Chapter 21: Divine Communication

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Elder Hudson became a frequent visitor at Astryd's apartment, where they often spent hours discussing and exploring their shared beliefs. One day, amidst the disarray of scattered papers and plans, he raised a question they hadn't yet ventured to answer.

"I wish to speak to the Father and the Son," he admitted, his eyes reflecting a deep seriousness. "I yearn to hear their words, as you do."

Astryd studied him for a moment before responding. "I can guide you, but remember, they communicate when they choose to, not upon our command."

Hudson nodded, accepting her terms. They sat cross-legged on the living room floor as the setting sun cast a warm, golden glow around them. With practiced hands, Astryd rolled a joint, explaining the process to Hudson. He observed her every move with humble attention.

As they smoked together, Astryd began a prayer - a soft, rhythmic chant intended to encourage openness and tranquility. She reached out, calling forth the comforting presence of the Father and the Son. Their aura enveloped them swiftly, feeling like a comforting blanket on a cold night.

A gasp escaped Hudson. "I... I can feel them. Their voices... they're in my mind."

Feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment, Astryd watched as Hudson started his dialogue, his voice quivering with emotion. "What is the purpose of our new church?" he asked.

Their response came, patient and loving. "Your new church is a beacon of love, a place for those who seek connection with their divine origins."

Heeding the divine response, Hudson ventured further. "Is it right for us to defy laws such as the Law of Chastity, the Word of Wisdom, and others in the pursuit of this love?"

They replied, their words clear and resolute. "Laws of man should not impede love and connection. The intention behind actions is paramount. The physical connections you have been cultivating with each other are not wrong. They are natural expressions of your humanity and your desire for closeness. These connections can also be paths to us when they foster mutual respect, understanding, and connection."

Intrigued by the nature of their response, Astryd then interjected with her own question. "Do you observe us during our... intimate moments?"

The Father replied, his voice laced with a serene tone. "Yes, we do. We observe all that happens within our creation. Do not fear, our gaze is not one of judgement but of understanding and love."

With the divine presences encouraging him, Hudson sought further guidance. "What should our next steps be?"

With soothing assurance, the Father and Son replied. "Your next steps are already before you. You need only to trust and move forward."

As the haze of the marijuana began to recede, Hudson asked a question that had often plagued Astryd. "Why is it that we must use this herb, this marijuana, to communicate with you?"

Their answer was clear and unwavering. "The herb is not necessary. It merely aids in quieting your minds, creating space for our voices. In time, you may learn to reach us without such aids."

The divine presence slowly withdrew as the effects of the marijuana faded. Left in its wake was a sense of profound tranquility that transformed Hudson's expression. He thanked Astryd, his voice soft and his eyes brimming with gratitude.

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