Chapter 40: Divine Consultation

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Astryd had always cherished her private conversations with the Father and the Son. It was a time of solitude, reflection, and guidance. Today was no different. Having gathered her thoughts and questions, she entered the sacred sanctuary.

"Father, Son," she greeted, her voice echoing in the quiet space, "I come to you today with questions."

She explained her concern about the paradox of freedom, the seeming contradiction between the existence of the Church and the principle of unrestricted choice it advocated.

"I wonder," she said, "are we influencing people's choices, however subtly, by presenting them with our path? Are we curbing their freedom by offering our structured guidance?"

The celestial beings listened to her, their ethereal figures radiating an aura of wisdom and understanding. It was the Father who responded first.

"Astryd, freedom is a complex concept. It does not equate to an absence of guidance or choices. Rather, it thrives in their presence. The Church you've built offers an alternative path, not an obligation. It is still the individual's choice whether to walk this path or not."

Astryd nodded, the answer bringing a measure of relief. But her mind was already churning with another question.

"But why share our beliefs at all?" she queried. "Why insist that ours is the true path? Wouldn't it be better to eliminate all churches?"

This time, it was the Son who spoke. "Astryd, the purpose of sharing beliefs isn't to insist that one path is the true path, but to share understanding, compassion, and love. As for eliminating all churches, that would eliminate places where people find solace, community, and a sense of purpose. It's not about asserting correctness, but offering a perspective."

Astryd then moved onto her next question. "In times past, have you shown your angels as openly as you have to us?" she asked.

The Son answered this time. "There have been instances, Astryd, where angels were shown, but not in this scale or openness. The times are different, and so are the methods."

Astryd took in the answer, her mind buzzing with its implications.

"Is this the second coming that the scriptures talk about? Is this the fulfillment of the prophecies?"

This time, both the Father and the Son remained silent for a moment, as if deliberating. Finally, the Father spoke.

"Astryd, the concept of a 'second coming' as depicted in traditional scriptures is a misunderstanding. There is no set event or moment to look forward to, no dramatic return. Our presence is continuous and eternal, just manifesting in different ways at different times."

"I've been contemplating the power and influence our Church has garnered. I wish to ask, can we use this influence to combat evil?"

She paused, her eyes reflecting the earnestness of her inquiry. "And do the Devil and demons truly exist?"

There was a moment of silence as the celestial beings considered her questions. It was the Son who spoke first.

"Astryd, every faith, every belief, every individual has the potential to combat what they perceive as evil. It could be through acts of kindness, through spreading understanding, or by standing up against injustice."

The Father then chimed in. "As for the Devil and demons, they are not entities in the literal sense. Instead, they are symbolic representations of the negative aspects of human behavior and thinking. They represent the potential for evil that exists in every individual when they give in to their worst impulses."

Astryd felt a chill at the Father's words. "So, the true battle against evil... it is within ourselves?"

The Father and Son nodded. "Precisely, Astryd," the Father confirmed. "The real battle is internal, not external. It is a daily struggle to choose kindness, understanding, and love over hatred, ignorance, and fear."

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