Chapter 28: Divine Androgyny

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In the communal space of their modern dwelling, Astryd called for a meeting. The matter of discussion was unusual, delicate even, but it was a topic that needed to be broached - Annie's virginity.

Around the room, Ali, Jenny, Jhon, Hudson, and Annie gathered, the air punctuated by a curious anticipation. Astryd stood at the head of the group, her face calm, her voice steady as she initiated the discussion.

"We've embarked on a journey of shared love and connection," she began. "As we traverse this path, there are aspects we need to address openly. One of these concerns our dear Annie."

The group turned their gaze to Annie, who sat quietly, her cheeks tinged with a blush. She had confided in Astryd about her virginity and, being the open group they were, Astryd felt it important to discuss the matter collectively.

"A very personal aspect of Annie's journey lies ahead," Astryd continued. "A journey she wishes to embark on with one of us. However, the question remains - who should be the one to share this intimate experience with her?"

The question hung in the air, prompting a flurry of thoughtful looks and quiet deliberation. It was a significant decision, one that bore the weight of their unique bond and the love they had pledged to one another.

Despite lengthy discussions, a consensus wasn't reached. Each suggestion was met with counterarguments, every attempt at a decision leading to further complexity. It was a situation that warranted guidance, divine guidance that had so far steered their unique path.

Having recognized the need for intervention, Astryd decided to reach out to the celestial voices they had come to rely on for wisdom and direction. Gathering the group once more, she lit the familiar joint and initiated the communication.

"Father, Son," she began, her voice echoing through the room. "We seek your guidance. An intimate aspect of our journey presents a challenge, one we cannot navigate without your divine wisdom."

The celestial presence responded, their voices as calming as ever. "We hear you, Astryd. Speak your dilemma, and we shall guide."

Astryd relayed their predicament, explaining Annie's virginity and their indecisiveness about who should be the one to share this intimate moment with her. The room grew quiet as they awaited the celestial response.

After a moment, the Father's voice filled the room, emanating warmth and wisdom. "The concept of virginity is one of the many constructs of your society, a measure often used to value or devalue individuals based on a singular experience. In truth, the importance of this event lies in the emotional connection, mutual respect, and consent."

The Son chimed in, adding, "Who shares this moment with Annie should not be a point of contention. Love and connection transcend these physical constructs. Every interaction you share deepens your bond and contributes to your collective journey."

Astryd nodded, turning to the group. "Their words hold truth. The focus should be on the love and connection that underlies our relationships, not on a single act that society has highlighted as transformative."

After a brief silence, the Father spoke again, "If choosing among you presents a challenge, I propose an alternate path. We could send down an angel, a celestial being of Annie's choice, to guide her through this experience."

The group exchanged surprised glances, but the idea didn't seem unfathomable, especially given the nature of their collective journey. All eyes turned to Annie, waiting for her response.

Annie paused, considering the Father's proposal. "Could the angel be... androgynous?" she asked softly, "With both genitals?"

Astryd offered a comforting smile, "If that is your wish, Annie, I am sure it could be arranged."

"We accept your suggestion, Father. We are ready to welcome this angel into our circle," Astryd announced, her voice full of resolve.

There was a brief silence, followed by a warm burst of light. Where there was previously nothing, there was now a figure, an angel radiating stunning beauty and peaceful energy.

The angel stood at average height, its figure delicately balanced in a perfect middle ground between typically male and female features. Its skin glowed with a soft luminescence, as though imbued with starlight. The angel's hair was long and cascaded down to the shoulders, its silver and gold strands gleaming as if spun from sun and moon.

Its eyes, a shifting mosaic of colors, seemed to contain the entire palette of the aurora borealis. Gazing into them, one had the sensation of being in the presence of something momentous, of immortal wisdom and infinite understanding.

The angel had a lean but strong build, its muscles gently defined, displaying strength and delicacy in equal measures. Its clothing was simple yet elegant, a robe that fell in fluid folds, highlighting its androgyny.

As for the entity's genitals, both male and female attributes were present, perfectly formed and seemingly functional. They were a testament to the angel's ability to transcend human limitations and encompass all possibilities.

The angel's presence emanated love and acceptance. It seemed to understand its purpose and was ready to guide Annie through this experience on her own terms, respecting her wishes and pace. It was a deeply emotional and meaningful moment for all present.

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