Still having him inside you, you stood up your back rested against his chest as he held you close to himself. You both were panting after reaching your peaks and coming down now. His arms wrapped around your body and your arms holding his. He incessantly whispered I love yous putting kisses on your face, hair, shoulder and neck.

His soft dick slipped outside of you as you both winced from the overstimulation. He kissed you, tongue swirling around inside your mouth, lips locked, bodies still partially naked.

"Everything is so beautiful with you kook... don't let this change ever"

"This is never going to change"

You both fixed your clothes enough to reach the bedroom looking decent where you took a shower together before cuddling each other for a nap.

This getaway was so special for you. You spent every possible waking moment of your day with Jungkook and the kids, the people you loved the most in the world. If it were possible you would've spent each day like this. But there was a part of you which also liked the job you did which you'd gotten after years and years of hardwork. You'd put your blood, sweat and tears to get where you were and that was something you couldn't give up too.

At night the weather grew pleasant, cool breezes and clear skies. The kids bugged Jungkook to put up tents by the lakeside and he did. They stayed up until midnight, stargazing and singing  until they got very sleepy and fell asleep near you and Jungkook so you shifted them inside the tent. There were two separate tents for the kids and the parents.

Jungkook wasn't ready to part from you for even a single second.

You'd told him "what if they get scared or something in the middle of the night? And we're asleep"

"We can just keep a phone near them. And we can keep one phone near us." He said.

"You're insufferable"

"Call me anything I can't be away from you"

"How do you survive when I'm in the toilet?"

"It kills me honey"

"In that case how are we supposed to go back to our lives day after tomorrow. You know that life where our kids go to school, and you have a whole damn office under you to manage, and I've to analyse financial shit. Remember?" You'd asked him while he held you between his arms. Yes couldn't bear to lose a single second of being close to you.

"Well I guess we could manage to escape" He said making you giggle.

"The kids would probably learn to live on their own even though they can barely manage to button up their shirts properly, and our offices could do better without us because what are two lovesick employees worth of." He laughed unable to theorise anymore.

"Okay. Two tents that's it" He'd convinced you for it with a peck on his lips from you, he reaffirmed it.

You and Jungkook kissed their little fingers one by one and then moved out of the tent ensuring they were safe and secure inside. You both sat in the lamplight gazing the stars from your open tent.

"You know Jungkook I've never asked you this before... we never really talk about it..."

"You can ask me anything" He said gravely with a hand on your back.

"I don't know if I should" you said with your gaze fixed at the sky.

"What is it about? Sex? Money? Ria? Yejun? Work? Us?" He kept asking and you shook your head declining each one.

"The past?" You nodded lightly. "Let it out" He said as you looked at him.

You rested your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around your shoulders and asked him "you and dahyun didn't face any difficulties in your marriage?"

He looked at you before coming up with a reply and caressed your hair.

"Who said that? Firstly we were never in love-love like that... The only thing we had one mind on was the kids. We didn't had those sort of things you know... we never expressed our feelings to each other, we never kissed or hugged just like that, even sex was a very occasional once in a blue moon thing. And the arguments... oh the fucking fights we had... you knew her and her anger right. I'd a hard time keeping it away from the kids but well I wasn't there all the time. She used to get angry and then we fought about her anger. There was a point we were ready to give it all up but for the kids we gave it a chance. A few months before the end she started to take it seriously and did things that helped her mellow down. That brought us together a little bit and that's how she even got pregnant again and I... I fell in love... with her... that child... that child that went away with her it would've been our love child."
You sensed him grow emotional as he said it but he was better at controlling his emotions now.

"You guys didn't face any issues in having kids right?"

"Pretty much no... Ria's birth was easy she did take epidural, and Yejun came out so swiftly we were amazed. There weren't any such complications both times..." He said thinking about it probably remembering a time of his life which would always be so special to him.

"Conceiving?" You asked him with a low voice.

"Nah... I mean... Ria was you know... not mine... then the one we miscarried it took like two months but I wouldn't count the first we weren't very serious about trying... then Yejun was three months after that loss... and the last one that went away with her... unplanned..." He pursed his lips looking at you.

"You're so lucky... Jungkook... so lucky. So lucky to have your kids. So lucky to have had them come to you so easy"
He could feel you tear up from your voice and volume. He hugged you instantly.

"Hey" He whispered caressing your back..

"I have my kids now Jungkook. Even though I've accepted my fate but still... I wanted a baby so much from when I was little. Today women have a choice to have or not have kids. I made that choice to have kids, have a big family. And all my dreams that I saw since I was a little girl they all got shattered. I always wanted a baby, to be a mother."

"I'm ready to do anything to give that to you. Just tell me and I'll make it happen.  You want to adopt, go for surrogacy. Whatever I'll do it anyhow..."

"I want it so much Jungkook... I want our family to grow. What did I ever do to not be worthy of carrying a child?" You broke down in his arms. Telling him everything felt like a huge burden came down from your shoulders.

"What shall I do?" He asked again.

"It's not like that... don't worry about it. I just wanted to share what I felt with you"

"I'm glad you did. It's the best feeling as a partner to see your loved one tell you everything that has been weighing down. If there's anything else you can tell me. Okay?" He said wiping your tears and you smiled at him as you lied down on the mattress on the ground.

He pulled the zip of the tent down and lied down beside you. He observed you, following your lead for whatever you wanted.

"We can just sleep..."

"No.. I want to do it.." you told him as you kissed him and he pulled you closer to himself, his hands moving under your night shirt to massage your breasts.

He turned you around after a while both of your pajamas pulled down to your knees, he kept your back pressed to his chest moving very slowly inside and out of you. You both didn't make a single noise except for a very muffled I love you as you both came. You remained very quiet the kids being in such close proximity to you. Jungkook fucked you in a gentle, tender way which felt very special to you. There had never been a person as close to you as he was and you doubted very hard there would ever be another in your life ever. Never.

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