Chai Lattes Taste Good in Autumn

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—-Chaeyoung's pov—-

Chaeyoung checked her watch and made sure that she would have enough time to go to work. On her way, she stopped at the coffee shop, craving a latte. She walked into the place, and was surprised at how beautifully decorated it was considering it was just a coffee shop.

A person who was most likely a staff there greeted her with a kind bow. "What would you like today?"

"A chai latte, please," Chaeyoung smiled.

"On its way! You can pay over there."

After Chaeyoung had paid, she sat down and looked out the window. She checked her watch again. She sighed, left with no time to leisurely sit here in this nice coffee shop and drink her latte. She had to head right to work after it was ready.

But, in the few minutes that she got to sit there, Chaeyoung quite enjoyed looking out the window at the peaceful scenery. Autumn leaves were falling from the sky as a breeze blew through them, a few kids jumping to stomp on the crunchy fallen pieces of nature. Chaeyoung cracked a smile.

"Ma'am, if you can't afford it, I suggest you leave."

Chaeyoung turned her gaze away from the window to see a slightly ticked off cashier and a young woman desperately searching her wallet for a scrap of cash. The young woman looked to be about Chaeyoung's age, and she had cute, thick bangs that covered her eyebrows.

Without another thought, Chaeyoung stood up, brought out her wallet, and started to walk over. "How much is it?" She whispered to the woman.

The young woman looked down at her feet. "Um, it's ten thousand won..."

Chaeyoung drew what the woman had said, and a little more, from her wallet, and handed it to the cashier. When she was given the change back, she placed it in the other woman's hands. "You can keep it."

She smiled, leaving to get her chai latte waiting for her on a different counter. She checks her watch for the last time before heading out of the coffee shop and towards the building where she works.


Chaeyoung didn't think that the 'wait!' was for, so she kept walking. That is, until someone grabbed her hand.

She froze, whipping around and getting ready to run. Turns out, it was only the woman from the coffee shop.

"Oh...hi." Chaeyoung's tensed muscles relaxed a little.

"Thank you." She murmured.

"You're welcome, ..?"

"Lisa," the woman with bangs filled her in with a small dip of her head.

"Alright. You're welcome, Lisa."

"I'm thankful, but why did you help me out back there?" She asked, eyes searching Chaeyoung's.

"Because I'm a nice person?" What she did just now was a normal thing that happened all the time, right?

Chaeyoung really needed to get to work, so she pulled out a pen and sticky note from her purse and scribbled her number on it. Chaeyoung stuck the note to Lisa's shoulder with a goofy smile. "Maybe I can teach you." And with that, she skipped away to work, her mind now worried about being late. But a small part of her was excited to see if Lisa would call her in the next few days. 

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