Records, Records, and a Kitten

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-Lisa's pov-

Lisa stiffened her muscles into place, gripping the sides of the box with as much strength as she could. One goal filled her mind: do not drop this box. It was filled with records, and she had volunteered to carry it to the Records Department. Who knew that records were so damn-

"Hey, babe?" A silky smooth voice called softly from where its owner sat on her swivel-chair in her office. Lisa peeked in the room and came closer to the other person.

"Are you okay? Why do you need me?" Lisa wondered, having a little trouble holding the box. It was really heavy, but the person in front of her mattered more.

Jennie stuck out her bottom lip in a small pout.

"Jendeukie? What's wrong?" Lisa shifted the box's weight to the side just slightlyso that she had a free hand to cup the singer's face to give her a kiss.

She pulled away, looking into Jennie's eyes, searching for any kind of pain or discomfort. "What do you need?" Lisa asked again when Jennie was silent, her muscles tensing under the weight of the box.

"That's all," Jennie pout fixed itself into a cute kitten smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. She knew just how to get a bubbly laugh and an eyeroll out of her sweet baby Lisa.

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