Ruby snickered again, Weiss rounded on her. "And you! You go from insulting her ability to make jokes to laughing at them!"

Yang laughed at Ruby's blush, "That's why I'm the master."

Ren gave Jaune a look, he nodded. "Are you guys done? Because I want to see what they do about York."

"I hope he's alright- I mean we know he's alright but... you know." Ruby said with a gesture to the screen.

The episode opens with the second part of "Maniacs"

Maine growls and rams into the top half of a pillar, causing the debris to hit York.

"I won't complain about seeing this again!" Nora grinned, giddily sitting on her hands and squirming in place.

Tex fires paint at Maine and kicks him away. Maine's back hits a pillar and he begins to fall. Maine, however, pulls the pin off a grenade he is holding, and throws it toward Tex. She easily evades the incoming grenade and it lands next to York.

Tex: "Hey!"

Ruby grimaced, knowing what is about to come.

Tex's right shoulder sparks blue. She begins to fire an array of paint all over York's body to protect him but the grenade explodes. York flies backward in response to the explosion.

Ruby winced.

York: "Aaaahh!"

North Dakota: "Shit!"

Washington: "Damn it! Those maniacs!"

North Dakota: "What the fuck are they doing?!"

Everyone watched, unblinking.

Wash, North, and South run down to the training arena. Carolina pushes an intercom button.

Carolina: "F.I.L.S.S. we need a medical team to the training floor stat!"

Carolina runs toward the training arena as well. Alarms begin to blare.

"Where are the precautions to prevent something like this?" Pyrrha growled.

"Out the window, remember what C.T. said." Blake raised an eyebrow.

Pyrrha sighed, "Seems she was- well we don't know if she's right yet."

F.I.L.S.S.: "Medical team en route, please remain calm."

The pillars sink back into the ground, Washington, Carolina, South Dakota, and North Dakota all enter the arena. They head to an injured York.

Carolina: "York! York!"

Medical team members enter the arena and begin to scatter around.

Carolina: "Get over here, now!"

Pyrrha smiled, "She cares for her teammates, the others do too but she didn't panic."

"She's very sensible." Ren nodded.

York groans sharply.

Jaune's mouth opened, "He's awake?"

"Better than being knocked out, that is not good for you." Yang commented.

Washington: "(from a distance) Is he gonna be okay?"

Carolina: "Come on York. Hang in there."

South Dakota: "I can't believe she did that to him..."

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