44 - serum

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You hid behind some stone walls, placing your hands on Newt's cheeks. He was looking worse with every minute that passed. He needed the serum.

"You okay?" You asked, stroking his cheek. He didn't answer, just shook his head as he went into another coughing fit. "Newt, how are you feeling?" Minho asked.

"Terrible. It's good to see you, though." Minho nodded and went to talk to Thomas. You took a cloth out of you pant pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Just hang on a little longer, okay? We'll get the serum from Brenda." He nodded as Thomas walked up to you and grabbed Newt's arm.

"Hey, Newt. Come on, bud. We gotta get you up. Let's go. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You okay?" He asked once he saw Newt stumble and nearly fall.

You ducked down as a huge explosion went off in the distance, looking between Thomas and Gally for an answer. "We're supposed to take down WCKD, not the whole damn city." Gally sighed.

"Gally, come on." Thomas spoke and moved forward, supporting one of Newt's arms. You continued through the city with Gally in the front. He knew the city best, after all.

"Tunnel's right up ahead. Stay low!" He said once another set of explosions went off. "We need to get the serum. I'll go on my own, take the serum and meet you back." You said, looking at Thomas and your boyfriend.

"What? No way." Your brother argued, shaking his head. You pulled him aside once he set Newt down so you could talk more privately.

"Listen, Thomas. This is the only chance we have to save Newt. He won't make it if we don't get the serum. I know it's stupid to go off alone but it's the biggest chance we have. I can't loose him."

He looked at you before sighing and nodding reluctantly. You went towards Newt and crouched down in front of him. "I'll get the serum, okay? Just hang on a little bit longer. I love you so much, Newt."

"I love you, too."

Once he said that, you sprinted off.

On your way to find Brenda, another explosion erupted near you, making you crash into a wall. You grunted, pain surging through your entire upper body.

Groaning, you continued running towards the meeting point. You felt dizzy, the adrenaline the only thing keeping you going. "Brenda!" You called out once you spotted the brunette.

She turned to you, relief washing over her face once she saw you. "Where's the serum?" You asked. She handed you a vile before you ran back again.

You saw Thomas and Newt fighting, a knife in Newt's hand. You ran up to them, right as you reached them, the sharp object was plunged into Newt's chest and he fell to the floor.

You didn't even register what happened, falling to your knees once darkness took over.

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