05 - newest addition

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Newt and you had been dating for around a year when a boy named Chuck came up in the box. He was about thirteen, the youngest one you had in a while. He was scared and as the only girl in the glade, you took the role of his mother figure.

He got along with everyone, including Gally, and was like a little brother to every glader. Because he was this young, he wasn't good at any of the jobs, so Alby decided he'd be a slopper. He got used to the life in the glade in a matter of days and, soon, it was time for another greenie to arrive.

You heard the alarm blare and went to wait for the box. You were standing in between Gally and Newt, who had his arm around your waist. The box opened and a boy with brown hair shielded his eyes from the sun. Some of the guys laughed before Gally went into the box to get him.

"Day one, greenie. Rise and shine."

He brought the greenie out of the box and tossed him on the ground. Some of the boys laughed and made jokes about which job greenie was gonna do. Suddenly, he jumped up and ran away. "We got a runner!" Zart screamed.

All of a sudden, the greenie stumbled and face-planted. "Thought he was gonna be a runner." you commented. "Until he face-planted." Newt added with a chuckle.

Gally and another boy threw greenie in the pit while you went back to work. Later, Alby gave greenie, who still couldn't remember his name, a tour. "Let's see how Alby is doing." Newt said as you went up to him.

"Hey, you all right, Alby?" Newt called and smiled at the first in command. "Green Bean, meet Newt and his beloved girlfriend. When I'm not around, he's in charge." Alby introduced you.

"Well, good thing you're always around then. Listen, that was some dash you made earlier. You know, for a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner, until you face-planted." Newt laughed, making you chuckle.

It was the first time you got to look at greenie up close. He looked really familiar and you saw him looking at you as well. "Wait, a runner?" greenie asked, breaking your eye contact.

"Would you both do me a favor? Go find Chuck." Alby asked. "Of course." you smiled at both Alby and greenie before walking off with Newt to find Chuck, your fingers interlaced.

A while later, you were, yet again, working in the gardens with Newt and Zart when you heard screaming coming from the entrance to the maze.

You followed Newt there, seeing Gally arguing with greenie. "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you guys?" greenie asked as other gladers started arriving as well.

"Just calm down, all right?" Newt spoke before he got interrupted by greenie. "No! Why won't you tell me what's out there?!" greenie asked, rather agitated.

"We're trying to protect you." Alby said. "For your own good." Newt added. "You guys can't just keep me here!" greenie exclaimed. "You might wanna let us if you wanna survive." you spoke, looking directly into his eyes.

"I can't let you leave." Alby demanded. "Why not?" greenie wanted to know, when, all of a sudden, loud rumbling echoed throughout the glade.

Wind started blowing in your direction. "What the hell?" greenie mumbled right before the huge doors started to close. "Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." Gally spoke as greenie still looked at the walls in bewilderment.

"Welcome to the glade."

Too good at goodbyes | Newt x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें