24 - it's okay

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After building a makeshift sluggish, you continued carrying Winston around. The wind made it hard to walk in the desert, sand getting in your lungs.

After walking for a few hours, the wind calmed down and you found shelter. Sitting down in between Minho and Newt, you watched as Thomas talked to Teresa.

Newt passed a water bottle to you. Knowing you were running low on the liquid, you only drank two sips before closing the lid. You placed your head on Newt's shoulder, breathing heavily.

Newt stood up, trying to get the blood circulating in his leg. "How's it looking?" he called out towards Thomas and Teresa. "It's a little further." your brother called back.

"That's not very convincing." Newt mumbled, still watching them. You talked to Minho and Fry for a while when, suddenly, a gunshot went off. You and Fry jumped up and ran towards Winston, grabbing the gun from him.

"Winston, what are you doing, man?"

"What happened?"

"I don't know! He woke up and just grabbed the gun, and then he tried to-" Fry rambled, gesturing towards Winston. "Give it back, please." Winston said, outstretching his hand towards you.

"Winston, are you okay?" Thomas asked, patting Winston's back. Suddenly, Winston started gagging and threw up black goo. "It's growing inside me."

He pulled his shirt up a little, revealing his stomach, torn apart by the cranks, flesh littered with black marks. "I'm not gonna make it." he said.

He outstretched his hand again. "Please, please, don't let me turn into one of those things." Winston pleaded. You grabbed the gun from Fry's hands and walked towards Winston.

"Wait, Y/N." Thomas said, looking at you. You knelt down next to Winston, placing the gun in his hand. Newt knelt down next to you, his hand on your back.

"Thank you. Now, get outta here." Winston spoke, breathing heavily. "Goodbye, Winston." Newt said before standing up. "I'm so sorry, Winston." you spoke, a few tears escaping your eyes.

"It's okay. Please, be safe." the former slicer said. You kissed his temple before standing up and walking towards Newt. He embraced you, a few tears rolling down his cheeks as well.

You grabbed your backpacks and walked away a couple of meters, wanting to give the ones who wanted to say goodbye some privacy.

You started walking again, only stopping when a gunshot could be heard. Afterwards, silence.

That night, you were all sitting around a camp fire, still mourning Winston's death. "I thought we were all supposed to be immune." Minho spoke, looking into the fire.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa whispered. You were clinging onto Newt, your head laying on his chest, your legs between his. "If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us." your boyfriend said.

"I'd never thought I'd say it, I miss the glade."

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