23 - never gonna stop

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The next morning, you woke up to your brother shooing away a crow that searched one of the bags for food. "Hey! Hey! Hey, get outta here!"

"Are they gone?" Newt asked, still holding you close. You stretched your hand out to Thomas who pulled you to your feet, the both of you looking around the place.

"Yeah, I think we're safe for now. Okay, we should get moving. Let's pack it up. Aris, come on. Fry, Winston, let's go." Thomas spoke, grabbing his backpack.

As Winston wanted to stand up, the former slicer groaned in pain. "Hey, man. You okay?" Fry asked, outstretching his hand to pull Winston up.

You walked up to them, helping Winston to his feet. You all grabbed your backpacks before climbing up the debris around you. In front of you lay what used to be a city, now only consisting of ruins.

You walked in between Newt and Minho, your boyfriend helping you over some debris from time to time by offering his hand. "What the hell happened to this place?" Fry asked as you walked down the street.

"I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt said, squinting his eyes because of the sun. "I hope the whole world's not like this." Aris spoke.

Thomas, who was walking in the very back, suddenly spoke up. "Whoa, whoa, hang on, stop. Do you hear that?" All of you turned around, looking at him.

You tried hearing what he did, faintly recognizing motors and an aircraft whirring. "Get down! Everybody, hide! Hide! Hide! Get in here. In here, in here!"

You grabbed Newt's hand, pulling him under some concrete slabs. You looked up, seeing a huge aircraft along with two smaller ones flying above you. "Oh, shit." Newt mumbled.

"They're never gonna stop looking for us, are they?" Minho asked, not receiving an answer to his question. You continued walking through the city, climbing up and down hills of debris and rubbish.

Thomas led you up a sand dune. "A little further, guys." He spoke from the front, looking back at the group. As you looked over the city, you saw mountains in the distance.

"Those mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going." your brother said. "That's a long way off." Newt interjected. "Yeah, at least a hundred miles." you spoke.

"Then we better get moving." Thomas said right before Winston collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. "Winston! Hey, Winston!" You ran up and turned him on his back, hearing him breathing heavily.

"He's hurt pretty bad." you said, cleaning his face from the sand with your thumb. "What do we do?" Teresa asked. You looked at Thomas, seemingly having the same idea as him.

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