38 - voiceless

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It took you guys another hour just to reach the outskirts of the city. People around here were poor and desperate, since living in the inner district was reserved for the rich.

Hence why, theft was a common occurrence here. "This place has really gone through hell." Jorge commented as you pushed through the crowd of people, your fingers interlaced with Newt's in fear of being separated.

"We just gotta stay together." Thomas answered before he was interrupted by a man on a megaphone.

"We are the voice of the voiceless. They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves while they watch the rest of us wither and rot! But there are more of us than there are of them! And I say we rise up, and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!"

On one of the trucks sat a man that watched you as they drove by. You frowned upon seeing his lingering stare, crossing your arms over your chest.

Above, drones were flying and scanning the protesting people. You followed after Thomas through the crowd of people. "That's it! That's our way in!" he exclaimed.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Fry asked. You held onto Newt's hand and Fry's sleeve, giving you a kind of reassurance that you wouldn't get lost.

When you reached the front of the crowd, Newt pulled Thomas back by his jacket. "Hey, guys, we gotta go now. Look." Newt spoke, pointing behind himself where men with gas masks were approaching you.

Just before you readied yourself to run away, huge guns appeared on top of the walls and started shooting into the crowd. People screamed and ran away.

Just when you thought you'd escaped, you were grabbed by one of the men and shoved into a truck with Brenda and Thomas. You tried escaping, but it was no use.

You stayed close to Thomas, who put his arm around you in reassurance. They took you away without a hint to what they planned to do with you.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors behind you opened and you could walk out. From the other van, grunting and incoherent words were heard.

Suddenly, a man was kicked out of the back, Jorge and Newt being the ones who kicked the guy. "Where are they, you son of a bitch?" Jorge asked, punching the man.

While Brenda ran up to him to show him she was okay, Newt looked around frantically to find you. He spotted you next to Thomas and ran up to you, pulling you close by the waist.

"You okay?" He asked, placing his hand on your cheek. "Yeah. You?" he nodded in response, pulling away slightly so Jorge could ruffle your hair.

"You okay, hija?" he asked, smiling at you as if he didn't just punch a guy. You nodded, pulling his hand away from your head and raking your fingers through your hair.

"Everybody calm down. We're all on the same side here." the guy from earlier said. "What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?" Thomas asked, looking at him.

Sighing, he took the mask he was wearing off, revealing a familiar face you thought you'd never see again.

"Hey, greenie."


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