07 - stung

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The following morning, you were working in the gardens with Newt, Zart and Thomas. "Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asked. He was trying to find a solution to get out of the maze.

"Tried it. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top." Newt spoke. "And besides, where are you gonna go from there?" you asked from beside Newt, your boyfriend pointing his thumb at you.

"Yeah, well, what about the box? Next time it comes up, you just jump-" Thomas started before getting interrupted by Newt. "No, we tried that. The box won't go back down with someone in it."

"Well, what if we-?" Thomas tried again. "No, we tried it, all right? Twice. All right, trust me, anything you can think of, we've already tried. The only way out here is through the maze." Newt spoke, slightly fed up with Thomas' questioning.

"Now, look, you wanna be helpful?" you asked, which he nodded at. You took one of the buckets and tossed it in his direction, him catching it. "Here, go dig us up some more fertilizer." you spoke.

Reluctantly, he walked towards the deadheads, grumbling to himself while Newt and Zart laughed at you handling the situation.

"Don't you think that was a little harsh, darling?" Newt asked with a smile on his face. "Well, maybe if there's one person he respects and listens to, he could actually be helpful." you said.

"Yeah, I think we're not made for authority like you are." Zart laughed playfully. "You're right. Now get back to work." you ordered, though anyone could tell you were joking around.

After a few minutes, screams could be heard coming from the deadheads. Thomas came running out of the woods with Ben chasing him, screaming for help.

Newt took a shovel and ran up to Ben, who was pinning Thomas down. "Hold him down!" Newt ordered, him, Gally and a few of the gladers holding a struggling Ben in place.

"Yo, what the hell happened?" Fry asked as he helped pinning down Ben. "He just attacked me!" Thomas exclaimed, still panting from running.

"Are you all right?" you asked him. He rubbed his wrists before nodding. You looked up at Ben when Alby arrived. Ben started struggling once again, Alby ordering the boys to lift up his shirt.

Blue and black veins spread all over his stomach, his skin looking awfully pale. "He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally asked, clearly confused.

While Ben was begging for help, Alby stood up. "Put him in the pit." he ordered, a few of the gladers taking him to the little "prison" located at the edge of the glade.

Thomas was still subconsciously rubbing his wrists, trying to ease the pain. "C'mon, Clint and Jeff will be occupied with Ben for a while. I'm gonna patch you up." you offered.

He nodded before following you into the medjack hut. You put an ointment on his wrists before bandaging them up. While you put the utensils away, Thomas looked at you.

"Thanks. How are you so good at this?" he asked, looking at his wrists. "Well, Alby wanted me to be a medjack but I was a little too generous when it came to using utensils. There was often barely any left at the end of the month because of me. So Alby decided to make me a trackhoe. Not that Newt would
complain." you laughed at the memory.

"How long have you been together?" Thomas asked. You looked at him, trying to see if you could detect any hidden meaning behind his words, but only found generous curiosity.

"A year, give or take. We're pretty sure we dated before the maze, though." you spoke and sat down next to him. "You ever wonder if you had family before you got sent here?" he asked.

"Sometimes. I can't remember my parents, pretty sure they died when I was little. I think I had an older brother, though. The bits I can remember about him, I often thought it was you ever since we met." you admitted.

"I have a feeling you're my sister, too." he spoke, smiling slightly. You smiled at him, hugging him from the side. "Well, I'd really like to get to know my brother."

That evening, Ben was to be banished. You stood a little behind the guys, not wanting to see the banishment entirely. Newt kept sharing worried glances with you, knowing the situation would affect you.

Minho picked Ben up from the pit and brought him to the opening. Ben was struggling against the robes that tied his hands together. Minho pushed Ben to the ground before cutting the robes.

Minho looked at Ben before sharing a glance with Alby. He threw a duffle bag with necessities into the opening of the maze once the gears of the huge doors started turning.

"Poles!" Alby exclaimed, the boys using the long sticks to prevent Ben from escaping. Once Ben realized there was no way back into the glade, he grabbed the duffle bag and ran into the maze.

You could still hear his crying as the doors closed. There was a heavy silence in the air before Alby looked at everyone. "He belongs to the maze now."

Everyone went back to their jobs. Newt grabbed your hand tightly before leading you back to the gardens. You rubbed his knuckles with your thumb.

That night, you and Newt shared a hammock for the first time after loosing a friend. Ben's loss was a loss for the both of you too much, silently comforting each other through the mourning.

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