I will escape to my garden; things will take care of themselves - Virginia Woolf

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"No! You can't eat him!" a shrill cry came from Kim's mouth.

"He was chosen." The man replied prophetically.

"Bull. There are 28 other people here and you're telling me the one person who saw through all your deception gets chosen to be killed."

"Not killed child. Reborn."

"You psycho paedophile. What you're doing is murder!"

"Take the boy away," Sue says to the armed man at the door.

"No!" I shout but instantly have the gun turned on me.

That was one of the difficulties of using words to get a message across. People listened to someone who explained things with gunpowder. Oliver remained silent during the entire exchange. He stood and waited, most likely mentally counting down the seconds.

Alternatively, he may be counting bullets and assessing his chances of apprehending the weapon. He could die from either of them. A shot cracked through the air.

"Figured you guys needed rescuing from these crazies."

"Drax! You're not dead!" I cried and ran for the door.

The man who had been pointing a gun at me before was now in a heap on the ground, a pool of crimson forming around his skull. We made it down the first corridor, weapons engaged in our hands before the lights were killed and everything went dark. Faint red lights were the only source of luminance, but even then, visibility was down 80%.

As we run along the long, narrow corridor, silence fills the space, and suspense lingers behind us as we attempt not to be seen. My breath is rushing out in quick, sharp spurts that match my pace. They were closing in on us, so we needed to sprint.

As we flew into the darkness, relying only on our hazy recollection of these halls, I was alert with all of my senses engaged. I was exhausted and out of breath, but could still hear roars and the sound of racing feet closing in on us. I urged my aching legs to run harder and faster, but our pursuers were closing in. But only came face to face with a dead end.

Plan B: We ran into the classroom on our left and closed the door softly.

"This is going to sound insane, but you have to trust me," Oliver says through heavy breaths.

"What are you going to do?" Kim asked warily.

"All YOU need to do is climb out this window and down the drainpipe. Then run far away from this building, as fast as you can to that field over there," he pointed to the left.

"Oliver," I warned.

"What are you planning?"

"Eden we don't have time. I promise you all I'll catch up. Go!"

The shouts of the people were getting louder, and if we didn't leave now our deaths were nearing. Drax was first to go down. It was only the second story, but a fall from this height would be a broken leg at the least. We all made it down safely, fortunately. Just as Oliver instructed us to, we ran from the school, towards the field.

Abruptly, the loudest crash comes from the window and shatters the silence of the night. Four huge cylinders and two enormous gold plates were crushed and mangled in a heap under the window. Following straight after them was Oliver. But, unlike us, he had a more challenging time escaping. I mean, if you consider walking through a hailstorm of bullets a challenge.

Kim situated her gun in her arms just as Oliver showed her, and started firing bullets herself. After two had just missed and embedded themself into the brownstone exterior, she hit one of the gunmen.

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