Hate makes you weary - Zora Neale Hurston

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Melana wasn't kidding.

Bright and early 5:30 wake up, breakfast at 5:45 and chores start at 6:00. But I must say that cleaning out nearly 80 bales felt rewarding in the end.

Here I was judging the government about how they do nothing, well, actually they still do nothing, but at least now I understand the hard work Gleaners put into their Division.

At 8:30 my supervisor let Benson and I go to clean up and change for the selection ceremony. I ended up just wearing another playsuit, this time one in the colour dusty rose, and the same cardigan from yesterday and sandals.

Unlike my entire life where I've had to keep my long brown hair in a ponytail, I let it loose in waves today, gathering only the front bit of hair and bobby pinning it half-up half-down.

We met in the amphitheatre once again to witness the ceremony on the holograph. It would be the same as every year, but this year I'm in the mix because I'm now officially part of the New Order. However, the odds are exceedingly slim, and I hope that remains the case for my sake.

The selection ceremony starts as it always did, with a holographic welcome from all of the continent's representatives.

"Today we celebrate our annual selection ceremony. As it has been for the past 68 years, a draw of four individuals from each continent will be selected to fulfil the highest honour and purpose bestowed upon us by our gracious Visitors."

The second member of the group steps forward, while still covered by a shadow concealing their identity, "Odyssey's stones have forever been a threat to our mending society. When the Visitors came they took away our pains, our inferiority and our sins, condensing them into seven stones. However, our peace and prosperity were threatened by a lone Papillon who stole the stones and scattered them among the seven continents."

A final individual stepped forward continuing the speech, "Using his abilities he altered the stones with magical properties so that they appear for only seven months at a time, only to disappear for five, and when they reemerge, relocating to a new position. His final commandment over the stones was that only four individuals may seek them in a continent from the start of their emergence on the 11th of January every year. For he resented the four ships which brought our Visitors and their New Order so much, that he hoped to bring the worst chaos imaginable to Earth by forever separating them."

"All seven must be recovered before the seven months are up or they shall all disappear once more. The longer these stones stay separate the greater threat our prior sins have of getting released back into the world. Once the four have been chosen from the draw, Guardians will come by to escort them to Odyssey's manor before their journey tomorrow."

The first speaker comes forward once more into the shadows, "We wish you luck, for this is not a task for the weak, and has been survived by few. But strength has never been shown in a more worthy generation than this."

"Similar to that of the announcing ceremony, we shall start the proceedings with Asia." The hologram blurred to reveal another individual covered by a shadow, speaking in Chinese.

Eventually, after all six other continents had spoken, it was North America's turn. Nerves are a cousin to the brain, and if my brain is notorious for anything, it's overthinking things. Do the maths, I told myself, there can't be any way I get chosen for this.

"North Americans."

I always laugh when someone addresses us as a full country as if there weren't just about four million Americans from South Dakota who actually survived.

"Our first champion to honour this country is, Kim Wendlas, Wiser Division."

That was one, only three to go. While my heart beats its drum and goes about its duty, my lungs lag behind, and I exhale the largest breath I've ever taken.

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