Cities and machines are a horrible mix - Jack London

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"Can you feel it?" I ask no one in particular.

"What?" Kim and Drax respond simultaneously.

"The pit in your stomach you get before public speaking." The thickness in the air. The goosebumps, like electric eels bouncing off stones in a river."

"Like that feeling, you get when you have to pee really bad and then finally get to go?"  Drax snickered.

"Like energy," Oliver muttered. He looks intently close at every detail of the landscape surrounding us.

"The stone?" I ask.

"I think so, but I also get the feeling-"

"That it's not that?" I finish Oliver's sentence, glad to see that I really am in touch with the whole 4-D thing. 

 The 4-D sight made everything more incredible. I miss the snow. When the snow would fall silently on the mountains to our left, and the idea of sliding my hands through it, filled me with electric longing.

Snowflakes are one of nature's most delicate creations, yet look at what they can accomplish when they cling together. Nature pays attention when it snows, and those mountains, in their puffy white robes, stood tall with unrivalled equilibrium. But even in this city, with the mountains, orange and bare held a certain glory.

Despite the buildings and their imperfections, permanently and inevitably flawed, they still hold certain excellence. But I guess there really are only beautiful renditions of brokenness that still exist, for there is no such thing as perfection anymore. My gaze drifts back to Oliver. Stiffer than usual.

"Oliver stop being so paranoid. It's calm, it's peaceful and for once I'm not scared of any bloody Cacooey."

"When I'm paranoid, my mind is at its most productive. I investigate every route and possibility in my circumstance."

"Well okay, carry on," I dramatise.

I hated that I too could feel something was not right. I tried to hone in on my premonition ability, but it just wasn't working. Like some sort of mental shield was up. That's another thing, I've been discovering some of my abilities (ICK, the very thought makes me cringe), and teaching myself how to use them. However, with the whole eye-colour-changing thing, there has been little time in which I'm granted solitude and seclusion to do so. Like my ability to apparently taste fricken empathic. Thanks, Drax.

"Hey, Kim?" Drax drawls.


"I just have a bad feeling that whenever a lesbian looks at me they think, 'that guy right there, that's why I'm gay.'"

Kim started to snicker.

"I'm being serious!" Drax said, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Drax, no. Even Lesbians can see that you're hot. I'm not attracted to you, but you're definitely attractive. If that makes sense?"

"Great question Drax, but um, why?" I laughed. 

"I was thinking about what my ex-girlfriend would be doing right now."

"How'd it end?" Oliver said. 

"Well apparently I was hot, but she just wasn't attracted to me, if you know what I mean."

"Eeek," Kim sucks in a breath.

"Oh, that and she caught me staring at another girl's boobs."

"You animal!" Kim gasps wryly.

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