7. Who's this?

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I was very busy and though I wanted to meet Sophie today, I couldn't for I had back to back meetings with probable clients and she had messaged me asking if I could meet her for lunch at some cafe, I didn't even remember the name.. 

I finally took out my phone at around 1pm and saw that my next meeting was scheduled at 2:30. So, I called my assistant to just delay it by half an hr, so I could spend some time with Sophie. 

I asked my driver to drive the car to the cafe Sophie had messaged me earlier in the morning.. 

As soon as I entered the cafe, I spotted Sophie, but there she was with someone else.. 

I usually am not a jealous person but seeing her laughing with someone else didn't make me feel good.. so I just walked to her and said "Soph.."

"Hey Leo, you came? I thought you were busy.." Sophie said looking at me in surprise.

"Yes Soph, you are my friend and I like to meet them whenever I get the time.. " I told her honestly.

"Thanks Leo.. please join us.. Uh, Edward, you don't mind if Leo joins us do you" she asked the guy she was sitting with.

"Oh, let me introduce you both first, sorry.. Um, Edward, this is Leo, my childhood friend who has moved back from Europe recently, he has his own firm. and Leo, this is Edward , the famous Hollywood actor , you must have seen him in movies.. I just met Edward today and here we are.."Sophie said and smiled. 

I shook Edward's hand and then relaxed for he seemed pretty cool and didn't seem that close to Sophie.. and as she said, they met today.. 

Then I saw Edward getting up from his seat saying "Ok, Sophie and Leo, I got to get going, thank you for the coffee Sophie, I truly enjoyed it" saying so he asked for cheque and Sophie interrupted him saying "Hey Edward, I dragged you here, so please let me.. " while saying that she held his hand.. 

I saw that Edward's eyes softened and he nodded in agreement and waved goodbye and left. 

Sophie then turned her full attention to me and said "Didn't expect you would come, as you had back to back meetings.. Leo.. but I am glad you came.. " 

"I had an hour between the next meeting so I decided to drop by and have lunch with you for I would be getting busier.. and I am not sure if I can meet you frequently.. " I told her honestly. 

"That's really nice of you, Leo, but if you can't come, I will come over with a lunch prepared to your office." Sophie said.

" I would love that Soph.." I told her.

We both seemed to look into each other's eyes and we heard a waiter clear his throat and then I ordered a salad and Sophie ordered a dessert. 

While eating, she told me that Edward is a patient of hers and nothing else and she told me her work related stuff while I did mine.

I had a fun afternoon with her, just sitting and chatting and eating, no pressure, I really enjoyed her company.. 

I was happy that finally I was moving on from the traumatic past I had, and I really want to have something special with Soph. She is pretty and is very caring and empathetic person. 

Our families have been waiting for something like this to happen since we met almost a month back.. 

I still remember seeing her in her unicorn tee and rainbow pajamas.. 

She is so much more beneath her exterior. 

I wanted to know more about her and date her.. I just didn't know how to approach this.. 

I have been friend-zoned.. Ugh!! never had this happened with me. 

But Soph did it with me.. I have to break out of this friend-zone. 

I messaged her after couple of days asking if we could have dinner together and she said she was planning on going out of town. I asked her where and she said "I just needed a break for few days, so I am going to Hawaii with my girl gang.. " 

I asked if I could join her and all she said was "maybe at the end of the trip for she was staying 2 days extra than the rest.. " I was excited. I wanted to go and spend time with her alone.. 

There, I intend asking her if she could consider me more than a friend...

Great.. I couldn't wait till I met her in Hawaii.. Of course I had my work, I could work from Hawaii as well.. for just couple of days.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What do you think is going to happen in Hawaii???

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