Chapter Twenty-Eight: Scandal.

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Me and Y/N went out of the Newjeans dorm and I completely forgot that I was a famous idol.

I literally forgot to bring anything to cover my face.

It's not like I'll be caught though, right? Why would paparazzi just randomly find us?

I held Y/N's hand because I mean, it's a date.

And then I remembered about Wonyoung. Well I mean, it's not like Im dating her so Im sure it won't matter if I go on a date.

We arrived at the place that I wanted to take Y/N to and her mouth hung open.

"The arcade?!" She exclaimed excitedly as I smiled at her and nodded.

"Yup, your favorite place huh?" I asked as I kept my eyes on her.

"Of course!" She exclaimed as she looked like she had hearts in her eyes or something as she looked at all the games.

I walked to a machine and bought a card with lots of points because I knew that Y/N loved the arcade and that she would most likely want to play every game here.

I walked over to Y/N and she was looking around in awe.

"Here." I said as I handed her the game card.

"Thank you!" She answered before hugging me quickly and tightly before running off to play a game like an excited little kid.

I chuckled as I slowly walked behind her, watching as she played the games.

"So you're only gonna pay attention to the games and not me, huh?" I asked jokingly as she kept playing.

She slowly turned to look at me, she smiled while also looking guilty.

She kissed me on the cheek before turning back to play the games.

I put my hand on my cheek where she kissed me, just staring at her.

Is it just me or does she look extra pretty today?

She finished the current game she was playing and handed me the game card.

"Your turn to play. But how about we make a deal?" She asked.

"A deal?" I asked.

"Yeah, a deal." She answered.

"Okay, what's the deal?" I asked as I maintained eye contact.

"Each time you win a game, I'll give you a kiss. But when you lose, I'll also give you a kiss. So technically, you win either way." She said.

I didn't hesitate for a single moment before walking up to a random game and it ended up being street fighter.

I played and after a while, I won.

"Where's my kiss Y/N?" I immediately Y/N asked Y/N.

She put her hand against my left cheek and gave me a kiss on the right.

"Oh come onnn, I thought you meant on the lips!" I whined.

"I know, I did. Just kidding with you." She responded before leaving in and giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.

After the kiss, I grabbed Y/N by the wrist and brought her to another game.

I was about to start playing until someone walked up to me.

It looked like a teenager sort of around my age just a bit younger.

"Um excuse me, ma'am?" He asked.

I looked at him and spoke. "Yes?"

"Aren't you that super famous idol Kim Minji from a girl group names Newjeans or something?" He asked.

"Uh..I guess so?" I answered. I don't think I'm thattt famous but whatever.

"Oh my god! Can I get a picture?!" He asked loudly.

People looked over here and started noticing who I was.

They all started walking over here and the chatter got louder.

Y/N was still next to me but she seemed to not know what to do.

I grabbed Y/N by the wrist and tried to get out of there.

After we got out, there were still some people who followed us out.

"Idiot, why didn't you bring something to cover your face with or something?!"  Y/N asked.

"Geez, chill. I forgot." I answered.

"Chill?! Minji, do you not understand?! We kissed and if somebody saw it, you could get into a huge scandal!" Y/N whisper-shouted in my ear as we walked away from the fans following us faster.

Minjis phone started blowing up and she got a call. Im pretty sure it's her manager or something.

She answered the phone quickly.

"Uh, hello?" She said.

The phone call sounded loud and Minji looked like she was listening but thinking about something else at the same time.

She looked lost but also sort of angry.

"Yes, so? Umm, yeah I really like her." She answered questions.

"Anyways, can our manager pick me and Y/N up? There's like a couple of people trying to follow us." She added.

She eventually hung up.

We waited for a bit awkwardly since some people followed us and the Minjis manager arrived and Minji opened the car door for me and we both got in

y'all i moved schools like two-three weeks ago and this guy already confessed to me yesterday and he confessed again today😪

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