Chapter Seventeen: Different.

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tw: murder, stabbing, blood, death, cursing and prob more idk😭


"Hey, wanna hang out later?" I asked my girlfriend as I linked my arm with Minjis as we walked away from the school since school just finished.

"Sorry, can't." She said as she stared at her phone not even bothering to look at me.


This was the fourth time this month i've asked her to hang out and she can't again.

Usually she's the one who asks but lately, she's been acting weird and different.

"So, what have you been doing when i'm not with you..?" I asked.

"Not much, just with friends. You know how they are, always annoying." She responded, still not looking at me.

"Yeah." I said dryly, trying to make it clear that I wanted her attention.

She didn't get the hint and her eyes stayed glued to her phone.

I tried to look over at her phone to see what was distracting her so much.

She pulled her phone away and seperated our hands.

"I have to go." She said seeming annoyed.

"Oh, okay...bye text me when you get home, love you..." I said as she started to walk away.

"Same." She said seeming uninterested as she kept looking at her phone while walking.

"I guess I better find something to do, alone. Again." I thought to myself as I stood there alone.


It's been a long time and Minji hasn't texted me if she's been okay so I checked her location.

She was at some abandoned building? Weird.

I mean I should make sure that she's okay right?

What if something happened to her...yeah, I'm gonna check on her just in case.

I got in the car that Minji gifted me a couple of months ago, when she actually seemed interested in me.

I began to drive to where Minji was and it looked so suspicious.

Well whatever, fuck it I guess.

I got out of the car and walked into the building and was met with a horrendous smell.

It smelled like a dead person wtf...

I began to panic because what if something actually happened to my girlfriend?!

I walked and walked as the smell got worst.

I pinched my nose to try to get rid of that smell and it sort of worked.

I looked around and saw Minji. She was covered in blood...

She was standing in front of a person who seemed to be tied to a chair.

She had a knife in her hand and she suddenly started screaming.

"I SAW YOU CHECKING HER OUT, SHES MINE OKAY?" She screamed loudly at the person.

The person looked so scared and I realized who it was, it was Niki. The same guy who asked me for my number the same night I became Minjis girlfriend. He looked like he had a couple of wounds that just happened.

"See, last time when you tried to take her from me, I didn't kill you because she wasn't my girlfriend yet. But now that she's mine, I won't let it slide. Repeat after me bitch, 'Y/n-ah is Minjis and only Minjis.' "

Niki repeated after her slowly and it looked like he was starting to cry.

What the fuck? Why is she acting so jealous when she seemed so uninterested in me just a couple of houses ago..?

Minji suddenly started stabbing him violently with the knife in her hand and blood started to go everywhere.

I stood there frozen, clearly in shock of what was going on.

I began to back up and I accidentally stepped on some broken glass which caused noise.

Minji quickly noticed and looked at me.

"Jagiya! It's you. What are you doing here?" She said seeming unbothered and for some reason she started acting like she was super in love or something.

She began to walk over to me and I began to back up more as she got closer and closer.

I started to run but I didn't get very far and I felt Minjis hand on my wrist.

"Where are you going, you just got here." She said as her grip on my wrist got tighter and tighter and she gave me this smile that just looked so...psychopathic since it was covered in blood and everything.

I didn't realize that I was crying until Minji used her thumb to get rid of the tears.

"What's wrong jagi? is something wrong? Ah, is it what you just saw happen? I'm only protecting you, he was planning on fucking you. You know I don't like that right?" She said as she cupped my cheeks.

"Don't cry okay? I'm only killing him, he'll be gone right after this and he won't bother you." She added before taking me back to where Niki was.

I tried to pull away but her grip on my wrist got tighter.

"You have to go with me, I don't want you leaving me or running away from me." Minji said forcing me to go with her.

She began to untie Nikis body from the chair and his lifeless body just fell to the ground.

I just wanted to leave so bad, I didn't want to see that.

"Come on." Minji said as she dragged his body to her car.

She opened the truck and began to shove his body inside.

"W-why did you have to do this? You could've just told him to go away!" I said.

"Ah, I know that if i did that he wouldn't listen to me. Now let's go, I have to go bury him somewhere." She said before opening the car door for me and making me go inside.


well...anyways go follow my tiktok account. it's @twic3dits

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