Chapter 42 - Logistics

Start from the beginning

"...So they assumed you'd "come up with a better plan than us"..."

"That's bantha dank." Anakin spat. "He's making excuses."

"Anakin, I know we're tired, but between the three of us, we have at least a combined IQ of 300. I'm sure that we'll figure something out - this isn't the first or the last time that we work after a battle." I argued. 

Devin will not be able to talk Anakin into agreeing, and if Anakin refuses to comply, it will end up in more suffering. If I don't force Anakin to cooperate, no one will. I don't agree with how the Temple is dealing with this , either - however, unlike Anakin, I am not piling the blame on Windu. He's not lying about the Temple being dangerously empty. Plus, he is in no shape to formulate a winning plan by himself (he should be resting in the Halls of Healong without even having the slightest idea that this was happening. It seems his misfortune that he's saddled with this when he needs the healing time) and we're not about to thrust this nasy mess onto the Padawans or the Younglings, force forbid.

"There's three cruisers and I've already spoken to the other Admirals as well - they promised they'd also take a look into this and let us know if they have any ideas." Devin added helpfully. "They're doing important work out there as well."

Anakin didn't look very convinced.

"There's so many people out there, Anakin. If the Temple can't help them right now, we have to. We're part of the Temple, it's just as much our duty as theirs." I pointed out. 

I can't believe I have to convince him to help now. His grudge with Windu is starting to get in the way of us performing our duty now.

"I still blame Windu," Anakin sighed, "but you're right. Granted, the other Admirals are more likely to be fixing any of their damages, preparing for embarkment and enjoying a cup of tea while they laugh at our chagrin than coming up with supplementary ideas, but still. Consider me down."

The three of us stared at each other in silence.

"Let's take this step by step." Devin proposed. "Identify the problem and variables, come up with a plan bit by bit, suggest any unexpected changes, then implement our solution."

"That could take hours." Anakin complained.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure you'll allow it to drag on while people are waiting in the starfighters, with little to no fuel." I replied sarcastically. 

Anakin looked ready to fire something back.

"Excuse me, Admiral." An officer said, interrupting our deliberation. "The CO of the Eagle has contacted us. She said that you asked for ideas, and she has one. She proposes that the people in orbit take turns to dock, rest and go back out while we come up with a plan."

"Tell her to beam the order at once and open our hangar doors." Devin ordered. "That's not a perfect idea, but its better than nothing, and it will buy us some valuable time. Don't forget to thank her for the effort; anything is appreciated." Devin then turned to look pointedly at Anakin, as if to mock him for suggesting the other Admirals wouldn't care about anyone else.

"That's one thing solved." Anakin said defeatedly. I can tell he's not the kind of person who enjoys being proved wrong. "Now, to identify the problem. This must be the easiest part.

""That we don't have enough cruisers to get us home?" I asked.

"Don't phrase it that way. We'll never come up with a solution if we think like that." Devin said.

"Okay, our problem is that we have too many soldiers and Generals." Anakin shrugged.

"What are you going to do to solve that? Kill the excess?" I snorted.

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