Chapter 42 - Logistics

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Luminara's cruiser didn't survive. Despite Anakin's speed in diving for the controls, the beam still fired - although it wasn't as disastrous as it could have been since it had lost power just before firing, the blast ripped the cruiser into half and it was no longer a cruiser, but a giant piece of space wreckage, and a waste of 10 million credits.

There were minimal survivors, too, sadly. Fortunately, thanks to my squadron's help, I spotted a tiny escape pod, and I sensed was able to push Luminara's podlet to safety, where the Shuriken's tractor beam was able to pull her. She survived - little worse for wear, and gasping for breath as my medics attended to her, but alive nonetheless.

Unfortunately, her batallion was not quite so lucky. Many perished aboard the cruiser and more sacrificed their lives, fighting valiantly until the end in their jetfighters. 801 survived the Orbital Battle of Bespin. 

801 of 1,276.

However, most Jedi Generals arrived with only themselves and a starfighters - the Temple hadn't expected that so many people would be able to respond, and there were more people stuck in the Bespin Orbit than we knew how to get home.

5 batallions, 6 ARC trooper squads, some of whom were present without their legions, and 9 Jedi Generals, exclusing Master Unduli. How do you fit them all onto 3 cruisers? That's the thing, you can't.

I'd had a message from the bridge with Admiral Amherst, who had also volunteered for this battle along with my cruiser, asking me to dock in the hangar and report for duty. It pricked my conscience to be one of the few who had a cruiser to go back to and everything laid out for me, but orders were orders and I couldn't refuse.

Skywalker was waiting for me, with Admiral Amherst, in the bridge, hunched over a Holotable with a real-time display of our surroundings. That's nice, it seems that he's starting to feel welcome on board my cruiser - it is the heart of the operations of the 118th, and like a econd home to us all. He'll need to be comfortable here. 

Wait, look, Skywalker and Devon - I guess they got acquainted real fast. "I hope you don't mind I also recalled General Skywalker." Devin explained when I reached his side. "Since both of you are currently working together, I assumed the Shuriken would be a home away from home for both of you?"

"That's right. General Skywalker is a welcome addition to our little band here - he's just as much a part of the Shuriken I am - for now, at least." I joked.

"Very well. I beamed the Temple a query as to how we are to go about," Devin paused, waving out of the window at the chaos outside, "that. And they said they're understaffed as it is, and are too busy preparing for our arrival to deal with logistics as well. So, they may have relegated the task to... us."

"So... we have to figure this out by ourselves, between the three of us?" I asked incredulously. They didn't even let the others try to help. I suppose it just means we're the highest ranking officials in the GAR present here, then. (Definitely not sarcastic!)

"Without sugarcoating it, I think you may have hit the nail on the head." Devin grimaced, making me and Anakin groan.

"This is Windu's doing." Anakin scoffed.

"Master Windu." I corrected.

"Windu doesn't like me. And that's why he's punishing me, and dragging you both into his petty grudge as well." He accused. "This is outrageous! This is unfair! How do you expect three people who've just come out of a fierce battle to deal with logistics?!"

"Actually, it's because the two of you are currently tied for first place in the GAR General rankings." Devin interjected. 

Oh, wait.

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