Chapter 41 - Code Black

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"Master Yoda himself is considering the possibility of having to leave Kashyyyk. There are at least 5 others we have asked to leave on emergency to help her, but you're the only ones who are likely to reach her in time."

"Anything we can do to help, Master. How can we be of service?" Anakin asked, immediately rising to the moment.

This is why we call him a hero and a selfless warrior. He helps without thinking.

"Both of you, take your starfighters and get there as soon as possible. Don't worry about not having enough fuel for a round trip. I will send for (y/n)'s cruiser, the Shuriken, to meet you there. Both of your Clone Captains volunteered your batallions for the battle, so they will find you there."

"Not to worry, Master. We'll take care of this." I nodded. Mace smiled back at us, but it came out like a bit of a grimace because of the bandages holding him back. I would ask if he was alright, or if I could do anything to help if he was in pain. Something that not a lot of people, even COuncil members, know about me is that I'm a certified field medic. About a year ago, I gained the qualification because I thought it'd be necessary. As much as I want to help Master Windu, now is quite obviously not the time.

Me and Skywalker nodded to each other in wordless agreement, unthinking, as we ran to our ships, ready to save our fellow Jedi.


My ship beeped, alerting me that I had reached our destination. That's the neat thing about starfighters. Although Bespin is roughly 2 and a quarter parsecs away, fighters are small enough to be considered like particles in space-time travel. The distance gets squashed up so that even though we're travelling at only 0.98 over light speed, so we reach our destination in a bit under half an hour.

"Where's Anakin?" I mumbled to myself as I pulled out of hyperspace, muttering to myself before I finally saw what was in front of me, and the words died in my throat.

"Right here-" his voice crackled through the intercom as he pulled out of hyperspace beside me, before he trailed off. I knew he could see what I could see. 

We were both looking at the same horrendous, despicable and horrific battle unfolding in front of us. No words need to be said.

"Master Luminara? Can you read me? Please come in!" I shouted over the transmitter, hoping that someone would pick up on it from her end as I pushed forwards towards the battle.

"We read you! State your name and business!" An officer shouted, accepting our transmission. Even over audio, I could hear the ship shaking in the background, the screams of those caught on board and the rumble of debris falling as they continued to brace themselves as they were showered with firepower.

"General (y/l/n) and Skywalker, responding to Code Black!" I replied, quickly patching Skywalker through to the transmission as well.

"Oh, thank the Force, two of the best!" he exclaimed. "We really need your help. The Separatists have too much firepower and the front of our cruiser is taking heavy losses. From what we can see, it's hundreds of small droid-controlled ships, all firing collectively. Our shields have been breached and we have no defence mechanisms."

"Officer, droids, are our specialty." Anakin chuckled. "Not to worry, we'll have them blasted into smithereens in no time. Skywalker out."

"Wait, Anakin, we need a plan-" I began, but it was too late - he'd already thrown caution to the wind and dived headfirst into the heat of the action. "Asshole." I mumbled to myself, hoping that it wouldn't get caught over radio. "

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