
Meeting 1:
Zhou Fang's heart fluttered with anticipation as she prepared to meet Xiao Zhan for the first time. The rumors of his intelligence and unwavering loyalty to the King of Adarlan had intrigued her, and she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of spending time with such a distinguished man. As they sat across from each other in the grand hall, Zhou Fang couldn't help but be captivated by Xiao Zhan's commanding presence. She found herself hanging onto his every word, mesmerized by his intelligence and charm.

Meeting 2:
During their second meeting, Zhou Fang's fascination with Xiao Zhan only grew stronger. She admired his dedication to his duties and the way he carried himself with unwavering confidence. Zhou Fang couldn't help but feel a growing connection between them, a sense of understanding that went beyond mere words. She found herself yearning to know more about him, to unravel the layers beneath his stoic exterior.

Meeting 3:
Zhou Fang's heart raced with anticipation as she awaited her third meeting with Xiao Zhan. However, this time, something felt different. Xiao Zhan seemed distant, his attention focused elsewhere. Zhou Fang couldn't understand why he was suddenly so aloof, and it left her feeling disheartened. She longed for their previous easy rapport, the moments of shared laughter and meaningful conversations. Zhou Fang wondered if she had done something to offend him, but she couldn't fathom what it might be.

Meeting 4:
Confusion clouded Zhou Fang's mind during their fourth meeting. Xiao Zhan's indifference persisted, and it left her feeling hurt and rejected. She tried to engage him in conversation, to bridge the growing divide between them, but he remained distant, barely acknowledging her presence. Zhou Fang's heart ached at the change in their dynamic, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being invisible in his eyes. She wondered if their initial connection had been nothing more than a figment of her imagination.

Meeting 5:
Zhou Fang's hope dwindled with each passing meeting. Xiao Zhan's continued indifference tore at her heart, and she couldn't understand why he insisted on maintaining such distance between them. She questioned her own worth, wondering if she was lacking in some way, unworthy of his attention. Zhou Fang longed to break through the barriers Xiao Zhan had erected around himself, to discover the man she had glimpsed during their initial encounters. But with each rejection, she felt her spirit dampen, her belief in their potential fade away.

Meeting 6:
Despite Xiao Zhan's consistent coldness, Zhou Fang refused to give up on him. She mustered every ounce of courage within her and confronted him about his changing behavior. Tears welled in her eyes as she poured her heart out, expressing her confusion and pain. She implored him to share his thoughts, to let her in on the secret that kept them apart. Zhou Fang hoped against hope that Xiao Zhan would finally open up, allowing their bond to mend.

Meeting 7:
Xiao Zhan's reaction to Zhou Fang's heartfelt confession shattered her last vestiges of hope. He remained stoic and unresponsive, his eyes devoid of any warmth or compassion. Zhou Fang realized then that her efforts were in vain, that her love for him would forever go unrequited. The pain cut deep, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She couldn't understand why he continued to reject her so callously, but she resolved to shield her heart from further anguish.

Meeting 8:
Zhou Fang's walls went up during their eighth meeting. She built an impenetrable fortress around her emotions, refusing to let Xiao Zhan's indifference affect her any longer. Gone were the days of yearning for his attention; she had learned her lesson well. Zhou Fang greeted him with a cool demeanor, her voice devoid of the warmth that once filled it. Xiao Zhan seemed taken aback by her newfound indifference, but she refused to let it sway her. Her heart had suffered enough.

Meeting 9:
As Zhou Fang entered their ninth meeting, she found herself filled with a strange mix of resignation and curiosity. Xiao Zhan's presence no longer held the power to stir her emotions as it once had. She observed him from a distance, detached yet unable to fully sever the bond that had formed between them. Zhou Fang wondered what had caused this change in her, this newfound ability to see through Xiao Zhan's facade. Perhaps it was the pain he had inflicted upon her, or perhaps it was simply the passage of time that had dulled the intensity of her feelings.

Meeting 10:
Zhou Fang's heart had become a hardened shell by the time their tenth meeting arrived. She had grown accustomed to Xiao Zhan's indifference, treating him with polite detachment. But beneath her cool exterior, a glimmer of longing still remained. Zhou Fang couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if things had turned out differently, if Xiao Zhan had reciprocated her feelings. It was a fleeting thought, quickly dismissed, but it lingered in the depths of her soul, a reminder of the love that could never be.

Meeting 11:
During their final meeting, Zhou Fang's heart remained guarded, her emotions shielded from further pain. She had accepted her fate, resigned to the fact that Xiao Zhan would never be hers.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Zhou Fang couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The burden of unrequited love had lifted from her shoulders, replaced by a newfound freedom.

She had discovered her own strength, her ability to move on and find happiness elsewhere. Zhou Fang wished Xiao Zhan well, silently thanking him for the lessons learned and the strength gained.
In the end, Zhou Fang found love and happiness with someone who cherished her deeply. She realized that Xiao Zhan's indifference had been a blessing in disguise, guiding her towards a love that was truly meant for her. Though the memories of her unrequited feelings remained, they no longer held sway over her heart. Zhou Fang had found her own path to happiness, leaving behind the pain and longing that once consumed her.

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