Pietro the Hulkbuster Part 3

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Pietro's POV

Behind me, I heard Banner stumble backwards and I turned around dreadingly to see something terrible: he was turning green.

"Bruce!" Natasha exclaimed, running to him and kneeling down beside him, "hey, it's okay, don't turn green, not now, not here...you haven't taken the control serum yet, remember?" She looked up at me. "We can't have an out-of-control Hulk running around. It can't happen. Our mission is to stop, capture, and question Attuma and his allies, not to kill them. Not to kill anyone. Either we call for backup, or we go on with the mission a little differently. Only question is, are you up to the task?"

"What do you need me to do?" I asked.

"Well," she said, "Pepper and Tony are on vacation, and Rhodey is sorta busy..." She sighed. "But we really need Veronica right now."

"Who is Veronica?" Wanda asked.

"Not a who," Natasha said quickly, "A what. I need you to call Tony and tell him you need to use Veronica."

"Me?" I asked, confused and shocked, "I do not know what it is! How can I use it?"

"Just do it!" She said, and Bruce fell backwards again, growing a little bit, turning more and more green. I quickly dialed Tony on his cell phone.

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