Everything is Fine 🚨

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EVerything is fine right? I'm just over reacting. Things just got a little heated that's all. This is normal. People get angry, they do things they don't like, and then feel guilty and apologize. That's how the world works. So this fine. Completely fine. Then why does it feel so wrong?

May is my aunt and practically my mother. She would never do anything to actively hurt me on purpose. It was just an accident. I can't judge her on one small mistake, but was it really that small? Was this really the first time?

May is sweet and kind and loving and caring. She helps anybody and everybody she can. She works extra shifts just so her colleagues can see their kids on their birthdays. She buys meals for the homeless. May is a great person.

She took me in after my parents died. She was there for me when uncle Ben died. Aunt May always makes sure I've eaten and done my homework. She is the first one by my side whenever I cry. Aunt May loves me and I love her. Then why did she do it?

Aunt May is great and all, but she's changed. She comes home irritated and upset. I greet her everday, but she sends me away to do chores and then yells at me when I don't do them even though she never told me that they needed to be done.

She gets mad at the littlest of things. Like if I ask for the wrong type of food or if I say the wrong word. I feel like I have to walk on egg shells around her. One wrong step and the volcane erupts.

Then again, she has been stressed out lately. May has been working more shifts and seems to be tried all the time. That has to been the reason for this behavior. But it's been happening for years. It's fine. Everyone gets stressed out from time to time. This is normal. I'm sure of it. Is that why she did it? Stress?

WHy am I even thinking about this? There is no need. THis is normal behavior. Everyone get's angry sometimes. I shouldn't be trying to make a big deal out of nothing because that is all this was, nothing. Was it though?

This was the first time anything like this has happened!

I think.

Is it?

No. It's not.

WHen I was younger, May got mad because I talked back to her, so she did what any parent would do and punished me. This is normal. There's nothing wrong with this. She's just doing her job as a parent figure. Except it wasn't a normal spanking. Aunt may missed and hit my hand instead. She broke my wrist. This... this is normal. She was just punishing a disobedient child! That's her job.

But why was she hitting that hard? Why did she make you lie to the doctors saying you fell on it? Why hide the truth?

Because she didn't want to get in trouble! She was scared!

She knew what she did was wrong. She didn't want anyone to find out that she hit the child she was entrusted with hard enough to break thier wrist. This is not normal.

She's my aunt! She loves me! I remeber the time she got me chocolate chip ice cream because I scraped my knee at the park. Or the times when we would sing disney songs at the top of our lungs in the car.

She broke a whole in the wall because she got angry over something small!

I love the times when we bake her secret recipe of fresh chocolate chip cookies together. I always steal a few chocolate chips to eat. We dance to random songs as we mix the ingredients. The atmosphere is full of love and happiness.

She dented the wooden table when you where too tried to clean your room!

May's excitement when she found out you were ranked number six in academic in your freshman year. They way she bragged about you to everyone. Weren't you scared she would be angry because you didn't get in the top three. Aunt May took me out to my favorite restaurant for dinner to celebrate my accomplishment. I especially remember the bone crushing hug she gave me and her telling me she was proud of everything I have done.

Remember all of her yelling and screaming! You hide in your room crying becasue you were so scared of her!

Aunt may loved to take me to all of these museums so I could learn about anything and everything I wanted to. She knew how much I enjoyed learning about the world around me and wanted me to see the entire world event hough she didn't have the money to take me.

She almost hit uncle Ben because he told her she need to learn how to calm down!

May has always supported me dreams. No she hasn't. She told you that you needed a successful career. When I told her that I wanted to build rockets, she saved up enough money to take me to NASA, so I could see the rockets in person. Aunt May has encouraged me to be who ever I want to be. Even if I keep changing my mind.

She hit you! She hit you. Hard enough to leave a mark that burns. It hasn't gone away yet. It won't go away for a while. She screamed and yelled. She was so mad. The look in her eyes was not love, but hate. Conncet the dots. This has been going on for a while now. Just open your eyes. The truth is there.

NO! Stop it! Aunt may loves me and that's all that matters. I'm not going to judge her based on a few events. She has been there for me. She has cared for me. I love aunt May.

She hit you!

Just stop it! I deverved it, okay? Look at you Peter, all I'm doing is trying to get attention. That's all these thoughts are. Jeze how pathetic am I? Aunt May loves me. Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine.

Everything. Is. Fine.

I'm not going to spout a bunch of useless excuses about my long absence that none of y'all care about. I was gone for 7 months and probably won't publish again for awhile. Deal with it.

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