Rogues Come Back 🌼 🐡

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This was requested by: Sav_and_the_phantoms

Peter was once again out on patrol as Spiderman. So far he has stopped two potential rapes, (one was a blonde girl who looked to be around Peter's age and a boy who looked like he would be in college and had black hair), three muggers, and one guy who was wearing a monkey mask and tried to rob a McDonalds. All in all today had been a successful day for the young hero. He didn't even get severely hurt!

He decided to call it a night since he had a Spanish test the next day, and went to his home, the Avengers compound. Mr. Stark adopted Peter a few months after the battle at the Airport. That was the best day of Peter's life. He got to leave the horrible orphanage and move in with his idol.

Spiderman swung to the compound and landed right outside the front door. He quickly changed into his normal attire which consisted of blue jeans and a science pun t-shirt. He walked inside the building without any issues and headed to the kitchen/living room to grab him a snack before he went to his room.

What he was not expecting was to see all of the rogue Avengers sitting on the couches in the living room. Peter started having an internal fanboy moment. Sure he might've already met them when he fought them in Germany, but they didn't have much time to chat. What really stood out to him was that Steve Rodgers, Captain America, was glaring at Mr. Stark.

Peter knew that the two of them had never really seen eye to eye before, but he figured that if the rogues were here at the compound then they must have forgiven each other, but it doesn't seem like they have.

Another strange thing is that Mr. Stark never told Peter that the rogues were coming back to live at the compound. He was slightly hurt by this. He thought that Mr. Stark would've spoken to him about it and see if it was okay with him first sicen this is technically his home too now, or at the very least gave him a heads up. Then again Mr. Stark wasn't his real dad, so maybe he didn't feel the need to tell Peter about this. Afterall, he is just some stupid kid.

Mr. Stark was the first one to see Peter standing in the doorway with his mouth slightly hanging open in shock. The two locked eyes and Mr. Stark's face paled slightly. The rogues noticed the difference in his demeanor and turned to look at what made him pale. They all momentarily freeze when they see the teen boy standing in the doorway.

"Hey kid. Why don't you go to your room while I talk to our uninvited guests." Mr. Stark tells Peter. So he didn't know they were coming. That's why he didn't tell Peter! It makes so much more sense now!

Peter was torn between following Mr. Straks orders or disobeying them. On one hand he wants to do what he says to show that he is a good kid that follows directions, but on the other, he doesn't want to leave him alone with the rogues. Peter can see the exhaustion on Mr. Stark's face and he doesn't want to leave him here to deal with everything on his own.

"Who's the kid stark?" Steve says with disapproval clear on his face. This made Peter very self conscious. He was used to getting this kind of look from people and it stopped affecting him a while ago, but seeing that look on the face of one of the people he looks up to hurt him and made him feel worthless all over again.

Mr. Stark sighs. "This is my son Peter." That's when all hell broke loose. There were many disbelieving comments from the rogues, but one comment stuck out and not in a good way.

"He's probably from one of Stark's many one night stands. I always knew he was irresponsible." The Captain's comment hit both Peter and Tony straight in the heart. Peter couldn't believe the nerve he had saying something like that about Mr. Stark! He knows Mr. Stark isn't just going to allow him to say that without coming up with some kind of amazing comeback or snarky comment. Here it comes, any minute now.

Instead Mr. Stark just sighs and looks down at his lap. He looks so defeated. WHat has been going on while he was on patrol to make Mr. Stark act like this? The next thing that comes out of that man's mouth answers everything.

"Tony's just a drunk alcoholic that can barely take care of himself. It's a wonder how the kid is even still alive." Cap says to the rest of the Avengers. Steve Rodgers, the Captain America, is just a big bully. Which is quite ironic considering he hates bullies so much, or at least he used to.

This makes Peter mad. He can't stand bullies. He;s had to deal with them his whole life. Almost everyone he meets seems to have some kind of negative thing to say about him, even strangers.right now his biggest bully is a kid named Flash who goes to his school. In fact today Flash decided to beat him up for answering the question right in physics after Flash got it wrong. Because of this Peter now has a busted lip and bruises on his stomach, but it's fine. Peter has gone through much worse. Pulse with his sider abilities they should all be healed by tomorrow.

Captain America turns back to look at Peter and frowns when he sees his busted lip. "Is he abusing you kid!" This shocks Peter. How dare he accuse Mr. Stark of abusing him! He is the one person in his life besides Peter's two best friends who has ever been kind to him. Peter has lived at an orphanage his whole life and each one he goes to has either neglected him or abused him. This sets him off.

"NO!" he responds quickly as he defends the one person who truly cares about him, or at least he hopes cares about him.

"Then where did you get that busted lip?" Peter doesn't know how to answer that. It would be embarrassing to admit to the Avengers that he was being bullied. He's Spiderman! He;s supposed to be strong, not weak and pathetic. His silence was enough of an answer for the 100 year old man.

"See! How could you Tony? You're even more of a monster than I originally thought." Peter couldn't stand to hear another word from the bully. Within seconds Peter had pinned Steve against the wall.

"Don't you ever say anything like that to Mr. Stark again or I will beat you until you can't walk." Peter growls in his face.

"You're just as much of a monster as your father!" Steve fried back, but that was a huge mistake.

"Mr. STark isn;t a monster! He's a hero! He saved me from an abusive orphanage, gave me a home, and showed me that not everyone is evil. He is way better man than you will ever be! He gave me a place where I actually feel safe and gave me something I never thought I would ever have, a loving family. So if I hear one more ungly word out of your mouth, I won't hesitate to put you in your place. I may not look like it, but I can beat you up without even using my full strength. Do you understand?" Once Steve nodded Peter let him go. He then turned and looked everyone in their eyes with so much fury and anger that it was clear that that was a warning for them to not say anything either. He then went to the kitchen, grabbed a snack, and headed to his room.

After that Steve was kicked out and not allowed to come back. The other Avengers knew never to make the teenage boy angry after what they witnessed. The Avengers got back together, Peter and Tony got closer because of that event. Peter even started calling Tony dad. And they lived happily ever after! Now I'm going to bed. 

I had an interesting day yesterday. I went to a renaissance festival and usually I have a lot of fun, but it was really hot and I was wearing a thick costume, so I ended up getting overheated and dizzy. I also had a massive migraine, felt like I was going to throw up, and was exhausted. I then stayed up to 11 pm writing this, so I'm am sincerely sorry that this story is absolute crap. I really just wanted to get this done for you Sav_and_the_phantoms since you have already been waiting so long for me to write one of your stories.

On the bright side this is the fastest story I've ever written. We also need to thank auto correct because without it there would've been so many mistakes in this piece that you probably wouldn't be able to understand what was happening. Anyways I'm sorry and I hope you all have an amazing Sunday! Take care and don't do anything stupid.

1535 words

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