Surprise! 🌼

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 "~Tony~" Pepper says excitedly as she pokes Tony to wake him up, but Tony is not a morning person.

"Honny." She tries again, this time shaking Tony, but he still refuses to wake up. Pepper sighs. Laying on the softest king bed she has ever laid on, she smiles fondly at the back of the love of her life even if he is stubborn.

Pepper and Tony had been dating for about three years before Tony finally proposed. It was actually quite sweet how he proposed.


"Keep your eyes closed." Tony told Pepper as he led her to a secret place. Tony was nervous, he had been planning this moment for months with the help of Rodey. He had been such a mess and second guessing everything he did. Tony wanted it to be perfect, which caused him to be more all over the place than normal. Luckily Rodey was there to help him out and calm him down.

"They're closed." Pepper replies with a hint of excitement in her voice. She was curious as to where her amazing boyfriend was taking her and why she had to have her eyes closed.

"No peeking." he says playfully. Pepper chuckles.

"I'm not. Don't worry." She reassures him. Tony waves his hand in front f her face just to make sure.

They continued to walk for a little while longer. Pepper was still not allowed to open her eyes. She could feel the sun on her arms and face, so she knows they must be outside, but she doesn't know where they could be. This truly is a mystery.

"Okay open." Tony finally says. Pepper opens her eyes and is amazed. The sight is absolutely beautiful. It looks like a scene from some fantasy movie. The light bounces off the waterfalls making them sparkle as if they were magic. To the right of the river is a picnic blanket filled with many wonderful foods from all over the world.

This is what she sees.

Pepper turns back to look at Tony and see that he is smiling with joy and pride at her reaction.

"So do you like it?" Tony asks just to be sure.

"Yes! It's fantastical. How did you find this place?" Pepper asks, amazed.

"I have a few contacts who helped me out." Tony replies anonymously.

"Oh really?" she playfully questions.

"Mm hmm" he answers.

"Well it's amazing, thank you." Pepper then leans in and kisses Tony on the lips. After a moment they break apart.

"Right this way M'Lady." Tony says as he grabs Peppers hand and leads her over to the picnic blanket. Pepper laughs at his gesture and allows him to lead the way. They each lay on opposite sides of a classic checkered pattern blanket and stare at each other for a moment.

Pepper takes in the sight of Tony Stark willingly laying down on the ground in casual clothes. This is definitely a sight to behold and treasure because she most likely won't see him do something like this again or at least not for a long while.

"So," Pepper says, breaking the silence. "Where did you get all this food?"

"I paid a very impressive chef to make all of your favorite food from around the world." Tony braggs.

"I bet that was expensive."

"It was, but nothing is too expensive if it's for you. I would buy the whole world if you said you wanted it." That made Pepper's heart feel all mushy. Man, she feels like a teenage girl crushing on the popular guy right now.

"Oh I bet you would." They kiss again.

"Alright let's eat all this delicious looking food before it gets cold." Tony says, and they do exactly that. Once they finished trying every single food there was, they laid down next to each other and stared up at the sky.

"This has been amazing Tony. Thank you."

"I'm glad you liked it." They fall back into silence. The sun started to set and the sky looked like it was painted with red, oranges, and yellows. Tony was working up the courage to propose to Pepper.

"Pepper." he starts. Tony grabs Pepper's hands and pulls her up. "Pepper. You are the love of my life. I think of you every moment of the day. I would do anything in the world for you. I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you. So..." Tony gets down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring that contains Pepper's birthstone. Pepper covers her mouth in shock. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She shouts with love, joy, and so many emotions. Tony slides the ring onto Pepper's finger and kisses her. That was the best moment of her life.

~End of Flashback~

The happy couple got married three months later. The wedding was huge even though Pepper wanted a smaller wedding, but they had to have it big due to Tony being a public figure. It was beyond amazing. They have been married for almost a year now.

She kisses her husband on the forehead before getting out of the extremely comfortable bed. Pepper gets dressed in a nice white shirt and a professional black skirt. Her whole outfit screams I'm the boss, don't mess with me.

With one last glance to her husband, Pepper slips out of the room and walks to the kitchen. She turns on the stove, pulls out four cartons of eggs out of their massive refrigerator, and starts cooking scrambled eggs. By the time she was finished cooking all the eggs, Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Natasha were all awake and in the common room.

"Would you like some help?" Steve asks Pepper when he enters the kitchen.

"That would be lovely. Thank you Steve." Pepper replies. They then work together to cook enough pancakes for everyone. When they were done they had two stacks with about 30 pancakes in both of them. Bucky and Natasha worked together to set the table.

Eventually Tony came out of the bedroom and sleepily made his way to the coffee maker in the kitchen. Pepper laughed as he put a mug upside down under the maker and pressed start. She walked over and flipped the mug. She then kissed Tony and told him to go sit down. He did as he was told and only bumped into a few items on his way there.

The table was full with everyone on the team sitting and waiting for breakfast to be served. Once everyone had had a full serving and Tony had three cups of coffee, Pepper went up behind Tony and leaned down.

"Guess what?" she whispers in his ear. Tony chuckles at this and asks what.

"I'm pregnant!" Pepper whispers excitedly. Tony spits out the coffee he just took a drink of.

"WHAT?!" he asks with wide eyes and full of shock. "Really?" he asks more excitedly this time. Pepper nods her head excitedly. Tony jumps up from his chair, garbs Pepper and spins her around. They both start laughing leaving the Avengers completely confused.

What do y'all think? Should I continue the story or leave it at that?

I hope this is what you where wanting Sav_and_the_phantoms. Once again if this is not what you were wanting or if there's something you don't like let me know and I will fix it. Anyways have an fantastical Friday! The weekend is almost upon us!

1216 words

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