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Peter Parker is well known and well liked by almost everyone at the tower. He brings a smile to everyone's face whenever he enters a room. He's even gained some interesting nicknames like cinnamon roll, innocent child, baby, baby Stark, and a few others. At first Peter did not like all of these nicknames because they were embarrassing, but he's grown to like them. Plus he knows they gave him these nicknames because they care about him.

Not only is he well liked by almost everyone at the tower, but Peter Parker is also as well known as Tony Stark himself. People are constantly saying hi to him, even people who he has never seen before in his entire life stop by and say hello to him. He feels like a mini celebrity, but he has no idea why he is so famous.

Even though he doesn't know why he is well known, he definitely enjoys it. It makes Peter feel like he belongs somewhere and like he has a family again. That thought always brings a smile to his face. After a bad day at school and Flash's constant belittling, he knows that there is a place where everyone cares about him.

It's actually quite funny and sweet how much the workers here care for him. If a single person ever sees Peter sad, everyone in the near virginity will come and comfort the teen until he feels better.

A strange thing that Peter has noticed recently is that there are these signs popping up all over the tower. The signs say something like Join the PPPS Today! or PPPS Meeting at 7 tonight in board room 9b. Peter has absolutely no idea what PPPS stands for. He thought it might mean something like Pizza, Pop, and Party Surprise or maybe Pizza Partying People Squad, but neither of those or any of the other strange names he came up with made any sort of sense at all.

What's really strange is that wherever he asks anyone about it they either tell him they don't know either or change the subject. It was frustrating! Even the Avengers seem to know about it! So why is everyone trying to keep whatever this group is a secret?!

One time Peter tried to go to one of the meetings that was listed on one of the many posters posted around the tower. When he arrived at the meeting place the room would be soundproof so he couldn't listen in on the conversation and when he entered the room everyone froze and went silent. Then seconds later they all got up and left! Peter tried to talk to some of the members, but none of them would say a word. What is going on?!

Peter has tried his best to ignore the secret group and put it to the back of his mind, but every once in a while his mind will wander to it and all of its mysteries. There were so many theories about the group that zoomed around in his mind that they would sometimes keep him up at night. There has to be some way to find out about this group.

Peter stayed up all night thinking about what he can do to figure out what this group is. He didn't go to sleep until about 2 in the morning. So Peter was exhausted when he woke up. He ended up being late to his first class because he overslept.

The day went by slowly. The teacher's would drone on and on about topics that Peter already knew since he was a little kid. Flash was being a jerk like always, but today he seemed worse.

Peter tried to pay attention to his teacher, but he was exhausted. All he wanted right now was to sleep. Ah yes sleep, that sounds so good. It won't hurt if he closes his eyes just for a moment.

"Mr. Parker!" His teacher shouted. Peter jumped awake and almost fell out of his chair.

"Mr. Parker the bell rang a while ago. I suggest next time you don't fall asleep in my class. Here is your homework." Peter grabbed the sheet of paper confused. When he looked around he saw that everyone had already left. Then he spotted the clock on the wall and saw he was late for his internship. He's late!

Peter One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora