Truth Revealed 🌼🐡🚨

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The Avengers have been after Spider-Man for seven months now. Every time they get the tiniest hint or trace of who Spider-Man is or where he lives, it vanishes into thin air. They figured that it must be the vigilante's doing, which means he's not someone to underestimate.

They've tried attacking him, but that proved to be fruitless because he always seemed to be one step ahead. Their new plan is to spy and gather more information that they could use to either find out his identity or defeat him in battle. They had set teams and rotations. Their teams were Bucky and Sam, Tony and Strange, Thor and Bruce, Wanda and Steve, and tonight was Nat and Clint's rotation.

Peter's POV


I slap the stuipid alarm clock to shut it up. I really hate those things. They always wake you up in the rudest way possible. I look at the time and see that it's 5:30 in the morning. Uhg, I really don't want to get out of bed today, but I know that if I don't then May won't be happy.

Begrudgingly I get out of my bed, if you can even call it that. It's basically a large blanket on top of what I think used to be a bed frame, now it just looks like a bunch of wood scraps. I then pick up an old t-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie that have all seen better days. Most people wear clothes with holes in them as a fashion statement, I do it because I have to.

After I look somewhat presentable and not like a zombie who just woke up from a 200 year nap, I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen. I grab out some eggs and pancake batter and start to make some breakfast. 30 minutes later, and everything was done cooking. I set out the breakfast on the table for May and headed out the door.

Even though I am the one who always cooks the meals, I'm never allowed to eat anything at the apartment. I learned the hard way what happens when I disobey that rule. It's fine though. I've gotten used to it over the years.

I walk down the streets making sure to not bump into anyone. People will overreact and beat you up for the stupidest things. I'm speaking from experience.

This one time some lady was rushing by and pushed me into this dude because I was in her way. It just happened that the dude she pushed me into was a psychopath. He literally started screaming and shouting at me and then dragged me into a nearby ally to beat me up. It was awful. From that day on I have tried my best to stay out of people's way, but of course Parker Luck had to strike once again.

As I was walking down the street I just happened to trip over nothing. Literally NOTHING was there that could have caused me to trip, but I did. Stupid Parker Luck. I then had to fall on top of another man. Way to go me.

"I am so sorry!" I rushed to say to the man. "It was an accident I swear!" I try to explain to him as I help him to stand up. "I really am sorry." I know that saying all of this won't change what's going to happen, but hopefully it will make him go easier on me. Oh who am I kidding, it doesn't matter. He's going to beat me up either way, whether I say sorry or not.

The man takes the hand I offered and stands up. I can't bring myself to look at the man because I know that makes them angrier, or at least it makes May angrier.

"It's alright kid. It was just an accident." the man says in a kind voice. I was shocked. This has to be some kind of trick right? He's just trying to make me trust him, so that when he does hit me it would hurt more. That has to be it right?

I looked up at the man and was surprised once more. There wasn't anger or hatred on his face. Instead he had a big smile and kind eyes. I'm not used to people looking at me like that. This has to be some kind of act. No one is ever nice to me.

"You aren't mad?" I asked him in such a small voice that I didn't think he would be able to hear it with all the noises of the city around us. His face morphed into one of confusion and concern. WHy would he be concerned about me? Maybe he's not. Maybe he's concerned that he's going to be late for his job.

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