Not My Kid 🌼🐡

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Never in a million years did Tony Stark ever think that he would willingly spend time or even be around a kid, let alone a teenager. Then one day the kindest, most innocent, intelligent teenager showed up in his life. This teen changed him for the better. Ever since he arrived that fateful day Tony has quit drinking, learned to be more open, and has become much softer. All those critics that have said that Tony Stark had a rock solid heart has never seen him around this teen. The person who changed Tony's life forever is none other than the nerdy, goofy, awkward, Peter Parker.

Tony will never admit it, but he cares so much for Peter, and that is quite obvious whenever you see the two together. It's so painstakingly obvious that they have even been mistaken as father and son before. It also doesn't help that they look very similar. They even ran a DNA test to make sure Peter wasn't from one of his one night stands and the tests came back negative.

The first time the pair have been mistaken as family was when Rodey walked in on them working in the lab together.

~ "Pass me the socket wrench." Peter tells Tony as he continues to work on his latest inventions. Peter has been working for hours on a flower pot that will tell you exactly what the plant needs in order to survive. This is supposed to help people who are not good at taking care of plants or help a child learn about what plants need in order to grow and flourish.

Tony had been supervising the project and helping in any way he could. He is always amazed at how bright Peter really is. They were getting very close to being done. All they have to do is tighten a few bolts and then it will be good to go. Peter did just that.

"Way to go kid!" Tony says in excitement as the teen finishes tightening the last bolt. Peter turns to look at Tony with a simple stretching ear to ear and is beaming at the comment. That's something Tony noticed about the kid. He loved to get compliments and praise when he did something right.

"Now all we need to do is test it to make sure it works." Tony tells the kid.

"Did you get the plant?" Peter asks.

"Yup! It should be around here somewhere." Tony says as Peter and him start spinning around to look for the plant that he bought for the kid's project. How neither of them saw the man standing by the glass doors leading to the elevator is unknown.

Tony doesn't even know what kind of plant he bought. All he did was look up plants and his phone and bought the first one he found. He finally spotted it on the back counter hidden by some old machine parts. He goes over there and grabs it, then takes it back to the station where Peter is at.

"Okay, so if we did this correctly then as soon as I put this plant into the mechanical pot then it should tell us everything we need to know about it." Peter tells Tony as he gently lowers the plant into his pot. Once the plant was settled into the pot it lit up and came to life. On the screen that they installed on the front of the pot was a loading sign showing that it was currently processing the plant and its needs.

"Hello! I am your personal plant assistant. You currently have a ZZ Plant in your flower pot. Would you like to name it?" A cheerful robotic voice says from the mechanical pot.

"Yes! It works! It works!" Peter shouts with delight as he starts jumping up and down. Tony couldn't help, but laugh at his reaction. Seeing Peter this happy just makes his heart swell with pride and joy. He wraps his arm around Peter's shoulders which is a total dad move.

"Good job kid!" His voice was filled to the brim with love and pride. Peter's smile widens even further than it already was. Suddenly the beautiful moment was ruined when Rhodey cleared his throat, announcing his presence. The pair turned around to see the man they failed to notice earlier. Upon seeing an unfamiliar face, Peter shrunk back into his shy self.

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