"But you were going to go visit Leo," Audrey spoke, sounding disappointed. 

    Kyra blushed again as Piper smiled widely at her. "That'd be great, Kyra. Jason and I haven't seen Leo in a little bit since he's been holed up in the bunker, we can all grab lunch after if you want,"

    Kyra nodded, trying to get her face to cool down. "Yeah, that sounds fun," she spoke. 


    Kyra was glad to be able to spend some more time with Piper, even if her cabin was kind of hectic. 

    "Alright, Lacey, everything looks good. Make sure to tell Piper or one of your siblings if your pain gets any worse and have them get me or go to the infirmary right away," Kyra spoke gently after inspecting the young girl's head. 

    The girl nodded. "I will, thanks Kyra," she spoke, giving her a smile. Kyra smiled back, happy that she was able to help. 

    "Thanks, Kyra," Piper spoke this time, leading the duo out of the pink cabin. "You were great with her. She really hates the infirmary or anything medical so I'm glad you came out," she finished gratefully. 

    Kyra nodded, "Of course. It's what I'm here for; If she needs help again I'm happy to come to her. I know what it's like to want to stay away from a place that makes you scared or uncomfortable," she finished as the girls exited the cabin. Piper smiled at her.

    They began the walk to the dining pavilion as lunch was nearing and Piper had made Jason grab Leo from the Bunker. Kyra wasn't quite sure how Leo was doing; he seemed really tense and stressed lately. Kyra couldn't even imagine the kind of pressure he must be under being in charge of such an important project. 

    The duos entered the pavilion at the same time, Jason seemed to be trying to cheer Leo up who had somewhat of a grimace on his face but he quickly smiled when he saw Piper and Kyra. 

    Kyra felt her heart speed up as the boys walked over to them, a smile growing on her own face. Seeing her friends always made her happier, it was just nice to know that she wasn't around people who would hurt her anymore. But seeing Leo was just another feeling entirely: seeing him felt like the sun on her skin, warm and comforting. Seeing him and his smile made her feel protected, he was the first person to smile at her in a very long time. Even when he was clearly stressed about trying to free Kyra from Medea, he still managed to send a comforting smile her way. 

    "Hey guys," Jason spoke first as the group met up at the Zeus table, only a few other campers starting to gather for lunch. 

    "Hey," Piper replied. "Leo, where have you been? We haven't seen you in ages?" she finished with a teasing smile. 

    Kyra watched as Leo put on a false smile, it didn't meet his eyes and Kyra felt anxious for him. He didn't look like he was sleeping well. Especially if he was wandering the camp last night. Kyra usually woke up from her nightmares really late at night. Leo wouldn't have been able to hear her if he wasn't already up and in the area. 

    "Aw, you know me Pipes, once I start a project I have to finish it. The Argo II needs to be finished in time to set sail before the solstice. I don't exactly have time to take breaks," he finished, sending the group a tired grin. 

    "Are you sleeping enough?" Kyra asked, not really thinking. 

    The group turned to look at her, before Piper and Jason seemed to look at Leo for the first time, finally realizing he may not be doing as well as they thought. He was supposed to be their best friend, how could they not notice?

    Leo sent Kyra a smirk. "Yeah, I run on caffeine usually, but I'm still sleeping," he said in a way that didn't instill a whole lot of confidence in his story. 

    Piper frowned, "Kyra's right Leo, you seem really tired. Are you okay?" 

    Jason looked at Leo with an equally concerned face. Kyra watched as Leo's confident demeanor began to disappear and he seemed to shrink under their gaze. He was uncomfortable and Kyra didn't like the slightly panicked look that was beginning to form on his face. 

    "Can you guys help me with something?" Kyra spoke up quickly, turning the conversation on her. "Annabeth suggested I try to be exposed to more of the things I'm uncomfortable with, especially with fighting. It's supposed to help for when I'm actually in a dangerous situation," she explained without waiting for an answer from the group. 

    "Sure, Kyra," Jason responded. "We'd be happy to help you. What exactly does she mean by exposure?" he questioned. Kyra watched Leo let out a relieved breath and she sent a small smile his way when he caught her eye. 

    "It's mainly with being close to people when I'm fighting. I freaked out earlier when Annabeth grabbed me and brought me too close to her," she admitted. "She thought it would help if I got used to that so I won't freak out when it actually happens," she explained, feeling herself get nervous at the thought of having to be that close to someone in a fight, having someone get the upper hand on her like that. 

    "Yeah of course," Piper responded, sending her a warm smile. "We'd be happy to help, right guys?" she nudged Jason who was looking at Kyra with a slightly worried expression. 

    "Yeah, of course," he responded, sending her a weak smile. Leo nodded from across Kyra, sending her a warm smile of his own. 

    "Thank you. I really appreciate it. She thought it might be good if Leo and Jason helped out specifically because they're guys and well, I'm more uncomfortable around guys," she explained sheepishly, beginning to fidget with her fingers. 

    "Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable Kyra. Are you sure this is something you want to do?" Jason questioned quietly, making Kyra doubt herself slightly. Was she sure about this?  But Leo caught her gaze from across the table and gave her a reassuring nod, one that wouldn't have been visible if Kyra hadn't already been looking at him. 

    "Yeah, I'm sure," she spoke more quietly this time, feeling slightly less sure of herself. "I'm comfortable around you guys and I know you wouldn't hurt me. It's safer for me to freak out now and be uncomfortable than to freak out in a situation where I'm really in danger," she shrugged. She had gotten used to the idea of being in danger on her quest, but she still hadn't fully developed a plan on how to deal with the 'normal' things: being around new people, socializing, and having to trust and rely on strangers. 

    Leo's mouth turned to a frown ever so slightly. Kyra wondered what that was about. 

    "I think that's a good idea, Kyra," Piper spoke, encouraging. Kyra smiled as the boys nodded at her, feeling good that she was able to advocate for herself, with a little help from Leo of course. 

    "Thanks guys, I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I can't thank you enough," she spoke with a smile. 

    "You don't need to thank us, Kyra, you're our friend, of course we'll help you," Jason spoke with a smile.

    Kyra's smile widened at Jason's words. "Thanks. I really don't know wha-" Kyra's sentence was cut short as the words got stuck in her throat. She felt like all the breath had been knocked out of her. The smile was wiped off her face as she turned deathly pale.


    It couldn't be him. She wouldn't allow it to be him. But as he turned around, Kyra realized she was right. He caught her eye, seeming to recognize her even after all these years. 

    "Kyra," she was cut off by Leo. "Are you alright?" he questioned, his eyes deepening in concern. 

    Kyra didn't know what to do. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She shook her head subtly in response to Leo's question.

    Then she ran. 

    She ran and didn't look back. Not even when Leo called out her name. 


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delayed chapter! Hope you enjoyed! 

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