Chapter 36

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    Kyra was 70% sure that Leo was mad at her. Sure, he had told her explicitly that he wasn't mad at her, but she still felt that something was off with him. Maybe she was just paranoid; he still hung out with her, Piper, and Jason and greeted her with smiles that made Kyra's heart stop beating, but she just couldn't shake this feeling. Okay, maybe she was only 65% sure he was mad at her. 

    "You good, Kyra?" Audrey asked, her dark brown eyes concerned as she gazed at Kyra from across the infirmary. Her eyes and brown skin seemed to glow in the light from the setting sun that came through the window. Audrey had proudly told Kyra that she was Haitian American when they had first met after the girl had angrily muttered a Kreyòl phrase when she dropped a saline solution on the floor. After the initial shock at the loud noise and exposure to an unfamiliar language,  Kyra was happy to learn a few things about Audrey's culture when she felt like sharing. 

    "Yeah, fine," Kyra replied, sending the girl a smile. Kyra had become closer to Audrey and Will during her time at Camp Halfblood. She was more than a month free from captivity now and was glad that she had pseudo-siblings like Will, Audrey, and the rest of the Apollo cabin by her side as she navigated living a somewhat normal life. Well, as normal a life as a demigod could have. 

    Audrey didn't look convinced, her neutral expression turning to a frown as she looked at Kyra. "Alright, if you say so," she replied, but something told Kyra that Audrey didn't believe her. Why should she? Kyra was never good at lying. Audrey also seemed to treat Kyra more like how she assumed a 'normal' friend would, she didn't seem to walk around eggshells around her like some of the other campers did. 

    Audrey let out a sigh, "Sak pase?" she questioned, Kyra immediately recognizing the Kreyòl phrase Audrey had taught her during their downtime in the infirmary. 

    "Well, there is something I'm a little concerned about?" Kyra began, grabbing disinfectant spray from the cabinet as the girls began to clean the infirmary and close down for the night. Of course, they'd be on call if any late-night emergencies happened, but Will liked everything to be neat and fresh for the next day. 

    Audrey looked over at her from her place in the supply closet where she was restocking ace bandages and gauze. "Do you wanna talk about it?" she questioned. 

    Kyra shrugged as she began to wipe down the cots. "I think Leo's mad at me," she spoke softly. 

    Audrey paused, turning to face her fully. "Leo Valdez?" she questioned. Kyra nodded her head as she sprayed disinfectant and wiped the beds down. 

    Audrey gave a light chuckle. "Girl, I don't think that boy could be mad at you even if you killed a kitten," she spoke, giving Kyra a warm smile. 

    Kyra frowned, "Really?" she questioned. 

    "Yeah, really. The way he looks at you..." she trailed off. 

    "What's wrong with the way he looks at me?" Kyra questioned, concerned. 

    Audrey seemed to realize that her talk was making Kyra nervous. "Nothing's wrong with the way he looks at you. You haven't realized?" she questioned Kyra, making her even more confused. 

    Kyra shook her head in response. Audrey closed the supply closet as she came to help Kyra make up the cots for tomorrow.  

    "He looks at you like you're the sun, moon, and stars all in one," Audrey finished softly, her brown eyes sparkling. Kyra blushed in response. 

    "I- I don't think he looks at me like that," she spoke softly. "Why would he look at me like that?" she questioned the slightly older girl, looking up at her. 

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