Chapter 27

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    Kyra sat quietly beside Leo, trying to still her fluttering heart and nerves. She wasn't used to this. Now, what 'this' meant, Kyra wasn't too sure. What was the weirdest part of this situation she had landed herself in? Was it the fact that she was finally away from all of the people and monsters who had hurt her? How about the fact that a boy she barely knew was able to reassure her of her safety? No, it had to be the fact that she was still holding hands and sitting beside said boy and she wasn't scared. 

    Leo was different. Kyra couldn't explain it. But she could feel his kindness. His eyes were warm and compassionate, they weren't at all cold. He didn't look like he was trying to decide the next way he was going to hurt her or take advantage of her. It was strange. Kyra wasn't used to this and she didn't quite know how to react. 

    She didn't notice, but as she was thinking she fiddled with Leo's fingers, his hand sitting relaxed in her own. His presence was calming and he gave off a pleasant warmth that made Kyra feel like she could fall asleep. But, she had done enough sleeping lately; well, mainly passing out but they were similar enough that she supposed it didn't really make a difference. 

    She looked down at their hands, Leo's slightly darker than hers and more calloused. Kyra's wrists were covered in some sort of salve, the marks from her handcuffs clearly present. She thought back to the past few minutes. She felt bad for freaking out, the two blonde teenagers she was originally left alone with seemed nice enough; she couldn't help but feel embarrassed by her reaction to the young boy trying to help. 


    Kyra woke up, her head pounding and her body sore. She was laying on something soft, that was the first piece of information her mind comprehended. The second piece of information she was able to grasp was that she had been treated with clean bandages. That was another red flag. She wasn't sure where she was, but nobody who had kept her had ever bothered giving her clean bandages to take care of herself with, never mind something soft for her to rest on. This felt like a bed. She didn't remember the last time she was allowed to sleep in a bed. The last piece of information she processed came to her when she met the wide blue eyes of an unfamiliar blonde boy.  

    "Annabeth," the boy whispered, causing Kyra's body to tense. She didn't recognize him or the name he seemed to call out. 

    "What," a girl's voice responded, Kyra's head snapped to the new voice in the room. Her eyes widened in fear. She definitely didn't know either of these people. 

    Kyra's thoughts began to spiral. No, no, no, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening again. She thought she was safe. She thought she wouldn't be hurt anymore. Where was she? Who were these people?  The last thing she remembered was healing a boy. He died, she was sure of it. Had she brought him back? 

    "I'm glad to see you're awake," the boy spoke suddenly, causing her gaze to drift back over to him. He stepped towards her. No; Kyra didn't want to be hurt anymore. She flinched away from him. She knew that was against the rules. She wasn't supposed to move away from her punishments. But maybe this place was different, maybe they wouldn't hurt her as badly. She could only hope.

    "It's okay," the girl spoke next. Kyra's gaze quickly moved to look at her. Grey eyes met her own before Kyra quickly looked around. Where was she? She needed to figure out who owned her now. Okay, it looked like some sort of infirmary. She noted medical supplies, curtains, and a scent of disinfectant. Why would she be in an infirmary? 

    Wait. A name popped into her head along with an image of kind brown eyes and a goofy smile: Leo. Leo told her she would be safe. Leo rescued her from Medea, he protected her from Khione. Maybe he could protect her again. But where was he? 

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