Chapter 26

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Leo was glad that Will, Annabeth, and his friends had convinced him to step away from the infirmary. Just sitting around waiting for Kyra to wake up probably wasn't going to help either of them very much. And when she did wake up, he supposed he would make a better impression if he didn't look like he had just crawled from the grave.

When he returned to the Hephaestus cabin, he was immediately swarmed by his cabinmates, or siblings he supposed, congratulating him on coming back from his quest alive and asking him questions.

Looks like Leo did have a family to come back to after all. The thought made him smile as his siblings grinned widely at him, patting him on the back or shaking his hands.

He was overwhelmed, especially after getting a hug from Harley, and was glad when Nyssa told everyone to give him some space. They slowly tapered off one by one, until it was only him and Nyssa left in the cabin.

"Glad you didn't die," she said, giving him a warm smile.

He laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, me too."

"So, the girl you came back with. Is she gonna be alright?" she asked, concerned

Leo sighed. "I hope so," he responded. As his thoughts switched to Kyra he realized he should probably hurry up his reunions and get back to the infirmary sooner rather than later.

Nyssa nodded before giving him a gentle shove, "Go shower, you smell gross. I'll find some clothes for you to borrow when you're done,"

"Thanks, Nyssa," Leo responded gratefully.

She nodded, motioning for him to move toward the bathroom.

Leo was glad when he was finally able to wash off almost 5 days' worth of grime.

When he no longer smelt like a mixture of Tabasco sauce and dirt, he wasn't sure how much time had passed. He smiled softly when he saw that Nyssa had left him a pair of cargo pants and a new Camp Half-Blood shirt on his bunk.

His thoughts became preoccupied with what was next for both him and Kyra. When Aeolus had given Leo back his old drawing he felt like he would pass out. Was he really supposed to use that drawing to bring 8 demigods on a highly dangerous quest, Kyra included?

What would she do? Would she train and learn to fight or would she be too scared to leave the infirmary?

Leo felt responsible for her well-being. If she was going to get better she needed to trust him. Well him, Piper, and Jason of course. He didn't know how to help. What was he supposed to do? He was just a glorified mechanic, not good with organic life forms.

"Leo!" he was interrupted from his thoughts, unsure how long he had been sitting on his bed and overthinking. He looked up quickly.

"Harley?" he questioned, seeing his younger sibling sprint into the cabin, running over to Leo, and tripping over a rogue bolt of some sort along the way.

"You have to come, quickly!" he shouted, grabbing Leo's hand and pulling him up, causing a few of his other siblings to look at the pair.

"Woah, what's going on?" he asked as Nyssa also ran into the cabin, a boy who looked like Will following close behind.

"I ran as fast as I could," Harley said, still pulling on his arm to get him to move. "Caleb said you have to get to the infirmary quick," he finished.

Leo looked up at the older teens who had run in behind Harvey, both their eyes wide as they panted. Leo's heart sank in his chest.

He took off sprinting as fast as he could to the infirmary. Leo didn't remember the last time he had run so fast. Terror crept into his chest as he feared the worst. He knew he never should have left Kyra alone. He didn't even want to think about what was wrong, he just knew he had to get to her.

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