Glowing Green and White Sparks

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Vincent started carrying Neera away from the direction she could now see Koen running in.

"Wait!" She cried out.

Vincent immediately paused, concern knitting his brows.

"You can't let him get away. End the battle. Now. I'll stay out of the way, and I have some energy. I can defend myself."

Vincent opened his mouth to argue, but water slammed into his back. Grunting, he stumbled forward, desperately trying to hold Neera upright. He set her down carefully near a tree, then turned to face Koen.

Before he went to battle Koen, he turned his head slightly and called to Neera. "Looks like you're getting your wish, Supernova."

Koen stood still in front of Vincent, letting Vincent walk to him.

"Why, hello there," Koen crooned. He smiled widely and made a show of leaning over to look at Neera. "I see my little plaything thinks she's your little plaything. That's okay. I was going to kill her anyways."

Vincent lunged at Koen in rage, his starlight flying at Koen. Koen screamed out as it hit him, writhing in pain. Vincent's hands were held out, starlight pouring from them. His arms shook as he continued assaulting Koen with his abilities. Koen shifted out of the way, only for Vincent to follow him. Koen moved closer to Neera. Vincent stopped his assault and shifted closer to Koen, stopping his crawl of desperation.

"Still smiling?" Vincent asked bitterly.

Koen turned his head. There was indeed a smile on his face, but a harsh glint shadowed his eyes, as well. He laughed, but it sounded more bitter than crazy. "I wouldn't have provoked you again if I didn't believe I could kill you."

Vincent crouched down beside Koen. "Your ego is huge. You've lost this entire war because of your ego. I'd tell you that next time you'd better train more, but there won't be a next time. You're dead already. And there is no second chance for the dead."

Koen nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll surrender. I'll let you kill me, I'll let you torture me, and I'll let you do whatever you want. But I realize in the shadow of my death that I hate the life I lived. I started my life as scum and I will end my life as scum. Save me from that fate. Let me apologize."

"No," Vincent said, standing. Koen pulled himself to his feet.

"Let me say I'm sorry. That's my last request. Aren't heroes supposed to grant last requests?"

Vincent shook his head. "No. You are not going near her."

Koen deflated visibly. "Okay. Take me back to your base and kill me."

Vincent shook his head. "No."

Koen's head shot up. "What? You can't kill me now. You have to wait."

Vincent looked at Neera. "Permission, darling?"

Neera stood. "I want peace first. I know it's a bad idea. But I need peace first."

Vincent's eyes flashed with fear and his mouth drifted slightly open as Neera stepped near Koen. She knew the risks. But she knew Vincent had been saving his mind abilities. She wasn't sure what all he could do with them, but he had told her that the more he uses the other ability he has, the more power his mind sponges up. So far, his starlight has been used twice as much—maybe more—than Neera has ever seen. After the last time, his mind abilities had been borderline insane. He had controlled a room of people, shifting into and out of each mind quickly.

Neera stepped closer to Koen. "You hurt me. We both came from nothing. We came from utter poverty, failure, and darkness. That is our shared background. But I made something of myself. Yes, it took some help, but that isn't an excuse for you. What did I ever do to you?"

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