Together Again

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Neera got out of the shower and paused her music. She had decided upon waking up that morning that she was going to try to be productive today. She was still a hero.

Neera turned some different music on to drown out her thoughts that told her to get back into bed. She moved quickly, drying herself off and throwing her red tank top and black shorts on. She took a moment to scrunch some products into the ends of her hair and diffuse it. When she was finished getting ready, she turned her music off and walked over to the door. She paused and tilted her head in confusion when she heard a soft knock. She hesitated for a moment before opening the door, revealing Hayes.

"Neera," he greeted, his hands crossed and a soft smile hiding behind his serious expression.

Neera cocked her head. "Hayes?"

"Please just go see Vincent today. Go talk to him."

"Hayes...I need a few more days, okay? I'm fine. He needs space right now."

"That is the opposite of what he needs," Hayes replied, still calm.

Neera frowned. "Well, he at least needs space from me. I practically lied to his face the entire time he was here."

"You know that isn't true. Deep down, you know. And if you told that to Vincent, he would laugh in your face. You told him a few untruths, with a few avoided comments and questions mixed in. Most people probably would have done the same or close to what you did in a situation like that. Vincent misses you. You're going to see him. Right now."

"No. He doesn't miss me, and I'm not going to see him, Hayes." Neera stated, trying to push past him. Hayes held his arm out in front of the door, stopping her.

"If you refuse," Hayes said, ominously. "I will tell Verena about the yoga mat incident. She won't be happy to learn the truth about what happened to her absolute favorite cyan yoga mat, will she? Hmm? The one she she made the whole base search everywhere for? But, if you insist, I can always go ahead and tell her that you blasted it into smithereens with little concern and that you—"

Neera hissed at him, clamping her hand over his mouth. Two heroes moved down the hall, passing them. They gave Neera and Hayes weird looks.

Hayes smiled when Neera took her hand off his mouth and crossed her arms. "Fine! I'll go. And it wasn't my fault completely. You were the one who started the betting. You knew it was her favorite. I think you wanted that to happen."

Hayes raised his eyebrows in amusement and smiled again. "Off you go."

He looked pleased with himself. Neera scoffed at him, bumping his shoulder as she passed him.

Neera trudged through the hallway and to the main room. She took a right down the medical wing hallway, ignoring the stares people gave her.

She paused in front of Vincent's door, sighing. Then she raised her hand to knock.

The door swung open before she had the chance. Large arms engulfed her in a hug, squeezing her. A face rested itself in the crook of her neck.

Neera let Vincent hug her. She would have hugged him back, but his arms had hers pinned tightly to her sides. She bit her lip, trying not to cry. Emotion washed over her, drowning her earlier concerns about seeing Vincent again. Her control over her tears ebbed as she felt wetness on her neck.

Vincent finally pulled away and stared at her face, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face or mask the emotions written so clearly—too clearly—on his face. He just stared at her, his walls and guards completely down. He stared into her eyes, glancing back and forth between them as if making sure she was really there.

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