He knows

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Neera actually thought about shutting the door.

That would be the easiest thing to do in that situation. But she wasn't a coward. She stared back at Vincent, his glare full of emotion.

Neera gritted her teeth. "Why are you here? Sydney was supposed to drop my dinner off."

"Why aren't you at dinner?" Vincent snapped back.

"Because I have work to do. It's easier to work in my room," Neera responded, refusing to move her eyes away from his.

That would be a sign of weakness.

"What work? I don't see anything. And you can't take a break to even eat?"

Neera took her plate out of his hands. "Thank you. You may leave."

Vincent let out a sound of frustration. "Neera. Come on. What is wrong with you?"

Neera set her plate on her nightstand and glared at him. "Get out."

Vincent slammed her door, wincing as the sound echoed in the room. Neera fought down the flashbacks. Vincent wasn't Koen.

Then why was she staying away from him?

"Neera, listen to me," Vincent pleaded, one hand running through his dark hair. "Please."

Neera was mad. He came barging into her room and demanded her attention. He couldn't do that. This was her room. Her sanctuary.


"No, Neera. Listen to me." Vincent's eyes were closed, his hand still stuck in his dark hair.

"Get. Out. Vincent." Neera said, her voice shaking slightly with anger and fear.

"Make me," Vincent said, his voice raising.

Then silence. Neera blinked. Vincent glared. Then Neera glared.

"What is your problem?" Neera spat out.

"No, you don't get to ask that. I have every right to be upset," Vincent yelled. "You—Everything was perfect. It was great. You actually started being nice to me. And we were hanging out. I thought... I don't even know what I thought. Then you freaking ghosted me. Like I don't exist. Stop avoiding me. What are you afraid of? What is your problem?"

"I'm not doing this," Neera stated, crossing her arms. "Get out of my room. Last time I ask."

Vincent growled in frustration and shoved his hands into his hair. "Neera, you can't just kick me out and avoid a conversation. We're partners."

"The frick I can't. Get. Out."

Vincent stepped closer. His eyes started shining with his power. They closed, and he shook his head. "Neera."

Neera stepped back, wary of the power surge, but fending off a surge of her own. "Vincent. I will not talk to you anymore. We may be partners, but I don't want to speak with you any longer. Get out of my room and stop trying to wedge yourself into my life! Leave."

"No. I'm not leaving," Vincent yelled, his eyes starting to glisten. "Tell me what your problem is. Why are you acting like this? Did you lead me on for fun? Because you were bored? Because you want to keep up your 'I'm so tough and I will hurt you' reputation?" Vincent shook his head and spat out, "You seem like you'd do that. I shouldn't be surprised."

"Vincent, get out," Neera yelled back. "I don't care what you do or say, I want you gone. You don't deserve an explanation. You are not entitled to it. It's my life and you were the one who tried to get in it in the first place. Did you not catch that it took me almost a month to be friendly with you? There's a reason. Leave me alone."

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