The Date

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"Come on, Neera! Push through," Symphony said.

Neera gritted her teeth, forcing her powers to keep the same level of strength as before. She failed, and the energy dwindled down again. "I tried."

Symphony placed her hands on her hips, staring down at Neera. Symphony was intimidating. Symphony was even more intimidating as a physical therapist.

Symphony shook her head, "Mm-mm, mm. Neera. You've got to push through. You are not a quitter. You do this, and I'll let you have a break. Five minutes at the same strength. Go."


Neera grumbled as she left the physical/abilities therapy room. Vincent was leaning against the wall on the other side of the door. He moved his head up from his chest, a smile gracing his lips. "That bad?"

Neera let loose a groan. Vincent laughed.

"Hey," Vincent said. "Why don't we go to the training room and try out that thing."

Neera furrowed her eyebrows. "What thing?"

"You know. The water thing. The thing? The water manipulation."

Neera nodded. "Yeah. I'm tired, though, so let's not do much."

Vincent opened the door to the training room and bowed lowly, moving his arm to signal Neera to walk ahead of him. She laughed.

Water manipulation. Koen had overwhelmed her body with so much water while he kept her prisoner that, ironically, Neera could slightly control it. It conducted electricity well, too. Not pure water. She still had that weakness. But she could slightly manipulate water, and that was cool.

Verena, when she heard, chalked it up to Neera's Unpredictable uniqueness. It was the best theory they had so far.

Vincent and Neera played around with her new ability for a while before she plopped down on the ground, exhausted.

"Vin, I'm tired. Why don't we watch a movie tonight?"

Vincent helped her up. "We can do that. I can take you to Annette's another night."

They walked back to their room.

"I really want to go to Annette's. Maybe if I just got a nap..."

Vincent opened the door for her. "Hey, don't push yourself, Mare Barrow. Okay?"

Neera shook her head, determined. "Let's go. Let me have a nap, though."

Vincent plopped down on the middle of their bed and opened his arms wide. "C'mere, Zeus."

Neera laughed and jumped onto the bed and his arms, causing him to huff. "Neera, that was mean."

Neera just laughed and kissed his cheek. "Wake me up in two hours. Don't watch your movies too loud, please."

Vincent shifted his gaze from the remote in his hand to her face. He smiled. It was pure and breathtaking and peaceful to Neera. He kissed her nose softly. "I won't, baby."


Neera woke up to a gentle kiss on the cheek from Vincent. He smiled when he saw that she was awake. "I'm going to check on Davina. Sydney and Hayes are watching her right now. I have to make sure they aren't getting distracted. I figured you'd want some time to get ready. We can leave in about an hour."

Neera stretched. "Okay."

Neera watched Vincent walk out the door. She pulled herself out of the soft bed, yawning. Neera hopped in the shower, quickly relishing the feel of the hot water on her skin. She got out when she was done and sat down at the vanity, excited. She was going out on a date with Vincent.

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