introduction {16/07/23}

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my stats:
SW: 61.2kg
GW: 55kg
UG: 50kg
my height: 5'1
bmi: 26.40
age: 14
{i weighed myself just now at the end of the day so my weight might be a bit inaccurate since i've eaten and drank stuff}

reasons why i want to lose weight:
- to look nice
- to move easier {not that it's hard but just lighter}
- to be comfortable in my own skin

i've always wanted to lose weight and i have a bit. i started at 65kg and the highest i've ever reached is 67kg and ever since i hit that i promised myself that i would never weigh that much again and so far i haven't. the lowest i've reached is around 58kg but i lost it unhealthy so i went back up 💀
but that's okay cuz i knew the risk

i'm going on holiday in 9 days so i would at least like to be around 58kg if that's possible but i would ultimately like to reach 55kg in september for school which is possible if i put the efforts in

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