15. I'll keep quiet for you

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" So what did you find ?", Gun asked as he sat in front of a smiling Fourth.

" First I wanna ask where you got something like that ", Fourth asked.

" Answer and then i'll answer you ", Gun said while crossing his legs.
Fourth sighed before saying ,

" This is a dangerous drug. Well i am saying drug cause idk what it actually is. I had to secretly search about it . My dad would be very concerned if he found out I was finding out about this. Anyhow , it kind of makes people lose their senses and manipulate them. This is pretty dangerous even for someone like you, you should know in the end we are all just high schoolers ", Fourth said as he kept a file in front of Gun which Gun scrolls through.

" Nothing about our lives is like an average high schooler I don't see why not reach for the limit", Gun commented.

" Still Gun this isn't it you can't just do stuff like that ! This is very risky, you can die if things go bad !", Fourth said , concerned.

" You know whatever you said just makes me want to do this even more", Gun's and with a smile.

Fourth sighed before asking ,

" So , how did you find it ?"

" I was attacked by someone that had this injected in them", Gun said normally.

" You mean the kid that died yesterday ", Fourth asked, joining the dots.

" Yeah , about that do you know anything about him ?", Gun asked.

" He was in 9th grade and a program student like you. No parents so the incident flashed away like morning news. Oh but there is one thing about him , his father works under Pim's family ", Fourth said. This made Gun's eyes lighten up.

" I guess I might need to give Dew another visit", Gun said before getting up.


" How are you ?", Win asked carefully.

" Good ", New said with a smile.

" Sorry i didn't come yesterday , Gun asked me not to ", Win said as he placed some fruits for New.

" Why do you listen to the guy so much ?", Tay asked who was in the room, sticking close to New.

" We are best friends ", New said simply.

" Still you are too close to him ", Tay said while pouting.

" You have no idea , they are in love ", Win whispered to himself but Tay heard it.

"What ?", Tay said angered.

" Calm down , I didn't mean it like that ! I mean they are very close , you just have to live with it ", Win corrected himself which made Tay calm down.

" That's fine , i am sure soon I'll be the favourite one. I'll get you something to eat", Tay said as he pecked New's lips and walked out.

" You look like you are about to puke", Win said as he looked at New's disgusted face.

" Believe me I might one day. I am just a bit too curious about the case that's why I am holding out, then this guy can perish as well", New said stretching his body.

" Cruel as always. That guy really loves you, when are you guys gonna become normal?", Win asked.

" Never !", New said with a teasing smile.

Tay came back after some time with New's favourite dishes. He even bought something for Win.
Win genuinely felt like a third wheel while eating with Tay and New.
Tay kept feeding New while New pretty much acted cute the whole time.

I feel like puking , poor New. But Tay is more pitiful. Win thought as he just tried to ignore the couple and eat his meal.

" You are so heavy !", Gun exclaimed as the weight of someone was on him.
Finding Off in a club drunk Gun decided to take it upon himself and help the guy out.

" Am I heavy ?", Off asked spreading the scent of alcohol all over Gun.

" You are as heavy as a baby elephant", Gun commented as he pulled the guy further.

As Gun was pulling Off more he came up with a cool idea.

" Where do you live ?", Gun asked as Off told him under the influence of heaven.

Gun knew that Off lived in a separate house which Gun easily got in with the help of Off. As expected from the private guy Off , no one else was in the house.
Gun threw Off on the bed as he took of his shirt.

" Why are you stripping ?", Off asked cutely.

" So you can rape me ", Gun said with a smile as he took of all his clothes.

Off suddenly pulled Gun closer from his waist. Off scanned him top to bottom before massaging his thing.

" I won't go easy on you ", Off said still staring down there.

" Yeah I know ", Gun commented in exhaustion as he was pulled to the bed and under Off.

" Then I'll keep you for the night ", Off said as he kissed Gun before staring to suck on his body.
Gun didn't make any sound but when Off suddenly bit his nipple Gun released a sound of pain.

" Silence is not appreciated ", Off whispered in Gun's ear and started biting it.

Gun didn't stop himself from making sounds now , he just went along with everything that happened from that point. The satisfaction of Off's fingers inside him along with his whole thing going full speed inside the little guy's body. Gun accepted it all.

The morning came much later. Off woke up at the sound of weeping. He looked infront to see Gun crying.

" Why are you crying ? Does it hurt?", Off asked in a soft tone.

Gun pushed Off which caused him to get up straight. He looks at the crying sight of Gun.

" Why did you do it ?", Gun asked soulessly.

" What ?", Off asked confused.

" Why did you rape me ?", Gun said as Off looked at the naked boy in front of him. He gulped as Gun silent tears dropped from his eyes.

" I raped you ? Then I'll do it again ", Off said as he got on top of Gun avoiding him from moving in any way.

" What the !", Gun remarked as he sturggled but was unsuccessful.

" Make a bold guess what's happening here ?", Off said mockingly.

Shit does he know what I am up to. Was he pretending as well. Or maybe , ugh I should have noticed that, I am an idiot. Gun thought before saying ,

" You weren't drunk last night were you ?"

Off smiled at the comment before replying ,

" Bingo ! How smart of you , well I was drunk but I have high tolerance i just pretend to have a low tolerance cause then I can know if anyone around me is talking shit about me. Maybe you got the info of me being a light drinker from one of those people", Off said with style.

" What do you want ? ", Gun asked cause he knew it was useless to struggle.

" Smart choice , open your mouth ", Off said. 

Gun just opens it with no questions asked and Off sticks his tongue inside tatseing every bit of Gun.

When he breaks out of the kiss he smiles and says ,

" You are good in bed why don't you help me relieve my stress in exchange for keeping quite and also tell me what you are up to."

" I am finding Pim's killer , I knew her a long time back ", Gun said carefully.

Off looked in his eyes and then just started sucking on his body again as Gun moaned loudly.

" Keep moaning , I'll keep quiet for you ", Off said as he continued his buisness.

There is alway someone better than you in something

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