5. It's an art

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"Are you feeling better ?", Tay asked New who had just ended his fake sobbing.
Tay took New away from the scene and to the private room which Off and Tay used. They were kind of having a private date where Tay was trying to cheer New up.

What a total cartoon. New thought as he fake smiled at Tay's jokes making the other think that his lover's mood was better.

" See , you look better when you smile", Tay remarked.

New was getting bored of just playing the bf. It was time to get some work done.

" Hey , I'll apologize for Gun. I have a fair guess of what could have happened there", New said softly while looking down.

Tay was confused but his heart broke when he saw New's guilty expression.

" Why ? Why did that happen ?", Tay asked while caressing New's face.

" Gun became close with this guy Dew. His sister , she suicided right and there were rumours about her and Off ..", New stopped showing a nervous expression as if he was contemplating whether he should continue or not.

" He accused Off ?", Tay asked and New nodded a yes. He was gonna say something more but Tay beat him to it.

" You should tell your friend to stop searching about it. Pim isn't a person that deserves to live. She has done bad to many, she is just good at hiding it.  Off was one of her victims and he didn't really bother her much after her betrayal as well. She just reaped what she sowed ", Tay said while smiling softly so that New doesn't get afraid of his words.

Tay then changed the topic to talking about his day and other random facts which New had no interest in hearing.

" I have heard that loony toon cartoon rant about his day for three hours straight cause of your scene , whatever you did better have good results", New complained as the trio reached back at the coffee shop.

" It did , Dew gave me a thank you note while I replied with an apology for what happened. Then I got a follow up message on something he wanted to tell me. Let's hope for good results ", Gun said as he showed the texts on his phone. He was supposed to meet with Dew first thing in the normal tomorrow.

" Isn't it tomorrow ?", New questioned and all eyes went to Win.

" What ? ", Win asked confused with the stares.

"Bright also decided to confess to you", New said and Win went in such a shock that no sound came from him.

" Oh right , there is something i want you to do when you say yes tomorrow", Gun said.

" I won't say yes tomorrow! ", Win said firmly.

" Well if you say no , you are gonna get engaged to him. Tay told me about it. He said that Bright told nearly everyone that he is gonna confess to you and when one of them asked what if you say no , he said that he would have his father engage you to him", New said with a straight face as Win's face grew pale. He held onto Gun's hand and said ,

" Gun what should I do ? I don't wanna be with that jerk !"

Gun placed his other hand on top of Win's to comfort him before saying ,

" We don't want you to be with that jerk either , so you just got to listen to us and do whatever we tell you ."

Win just nodded. Gun and New always have the strangest plans but in the end they always work.

" What do I have to do ?", Win asked cautiously.

" Well for starters you need to say yes tomorrow , we will break you guys up afterwards. But we need some info that only a person close to Bright like his lover can get us", Gun said.

" I don't wanna play with anyone's feelings", Win confessed.

" Well then marry him cause he sure doesn't giving a damn about what you feel for him. He just sees you as this possession that he wants to claim you cause well you gave him a good feel. He'll have you under him and think he rules you. I know this first hand, believe me ", New said.

Win thought for some time before saying ,

" Fine I'll do it , but what else. Tell me everything now."

" Kiss him in front of everyone tomorrow", New said quickly and Win banged the table gaining the attention of a few customers. Gun and New quickly apologized to them as Win regained his composure.

" I am not doing that ? Why do I even have to do that ?", Win complained.

" Which kind of guy do you kiss ?", Gun asked.

"A guy I love which is definitely not Bright", Win said sternly.

" Exactly , you kiss someone you love. If you initiate the kiss everyone would think you are in love with Bright. When we break you guys up it should look like you are the victim there. People believe what they see and from what they see , you will be the angel who loved and he will be the jerk who left you all alone. If he starts becoming obsessive after that, things would only get worse for him , that's how public opinion works. It may not be any of their business but it can very well intervene in anyone's business", New explained.

" I really don't get how you make such twisted ideologies into mastermind plans", Win said while sipping his drink and mentally preparing himself.

" It's an art ", Gun said and the trio laughed.

Win gulped in hard as he was stopped in his path first thing in the morning. Bright was standing there and everyone else circled around. Win was looking in the crowd for support and even maged to find New who just seemed to be controlling his laughter on what what was happening to his friend.

" So , will you date me ?", Bright said and Win snapped out of his trance only to realise that Bright had already given his confession.
Win didn't say anything making Bright take a closer step.

What was I even supposed to do ? Win thought as his mind went into confusion.

Oh right . It striked him and he pulled Bright in for a kiss. He regretted doing that a second later but Bright had already returned the kiss and now they were publically making out.
As Win pulled out Bright looked at him with a smirk.

" I guess that answers my question ", he says with delight as he was eager to get another taste of his new lover but Bright noticed that Win seemed embarrassed so he decided to get them some privacy.

" What should I do next ? He is calling me to his house. I saw him buying a condom I don't wanna get screwed ", Win exclaimed to New who was doing his work.

" I don't know , this was being planned by Gun. You can just get screwed you know. I did it too ", New said.

" I won't do it cause I have something called common sense not crazy sense like you and Gun. On that note where the hell is Gun, I haven't seen him since the morning ! ", Win said.

" Looking for me ?", Gun commented as he entered the rooftop.

Win frantically ran to Gun as he saw him.

" Gun you need to help me , I think Bright is gonna sleep with me , I don't wanna do it", Win started tearing up.
Gun looked at New with a what are we gonna do face.
In reality according to their plan Win was supposed to sleep with Bright.
Win looked at Gun and then at New as he started to realise their facial expression.

" You planned to make me sleep with him from the start right !", Win exclaimed as Gun held onto him.

" Don't be upset , you already know we aren't gonna do that if you cry like this ", Gun said and Win calmed.

" So what should we do ?", Win asked.

" There is one thing that we can do ", New finally spoke up.

" What ?", Win asked.

Where there is a will there is a way

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