10. Cheater !

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" Do you want a drink ?", Bright whispered in Win's ear as Win nodded a no.

Bright excused himself to get something while Win awkwardly stood there.
He was super conflicted about everything after talking to Gun and New the other day. He decided to let the plan commence cause he was too afraid to fall in love with Bright so it was best that he cut him off while he was still at the miniature crush stage.
Bright came back with a drink and gulped the whole thing down in a classy manner as he kept the glass down.

" A party is not really your thing ", Bright said as he noticed the saddened face of his lover.

" I just haven't been to such a fancy one", Win says slowly as someone crashes into them and spills her drink on Bright.

" Oh I am so sorry , let me help you out ", she says concerned about what she did.

Bright tells he is alright and heads to the bathroom to clean himself up. Win just stands in a corner looking around the hall to see all the people Gun and New discussed about one or the other time.

" Where is Bright ?", Fourth's voice came out of nowhere.

" The plan is going on , didn't you only send that girl", Win said with a blank expression.

" What girl ? New hasn't come yet how can we start the plan ", Fourth explained as Win looked around suspiciously.

His eyes widened as he saw New and Tay entering the hall while greeting everyone.

" I'll see where he is so we can start", Win said as he headed for the restroom.

While walking his heart dropped when he heard moans from the washroom. He took a sneak peak of what was happening and his soul shattered as he saw Bright over a girl thrusting in her. A tear, dropped from Win's face as he took a short video of them doing it as proof.

Win just walked back to the party to be greeted by New.

" Where is he ? We need to start ", New said in a whisper.

" You guys should be happy, you wouldn't have to fake anything ", Win said with a sad face.

" What do you mean ?", Fourth asked so Win just showed them the video as he broke down.

Everyone was confused about what was going on when they started to hear yelling from the restroom. Bright was seen coming out looking furious while a girl chased after him. Bright halted when he saw the weeping figure of Win. He was gonna approach him but New pushed him back.

" The fuck !", Bright cursed.

" Stay away from him , cheater !", New said and everyone gasped.

Even Bright seemed taken aback but he spoke up,
" Win I swear what you might have seen wasn't what it looked like. You need to listen to me on this. I really love you , I swear I do ! This girl tricked me !", Bright begged for his innocence.

Win got on his feet and stared deep into Bright's eyes before saying,

" Not what it looked like ! You were thrusting into her wanna see the video ?"

Bright got silent.
Everyone started to whisper about the situation.

" Win I am sorry about this ", the girl tried to apologize.

" I won't say anything to you cause he chose to do this , though you have a lot of the blame too but I lost every single trust I had in him. In a way thank you for showing me that the person I was giving my heart to isn't worth it. As for you , I am done with you", Win said as he left the event crying followed by New and Fourth.
They went straight to the orphanage to meet Gun.


" So this is your home ", Fourth said in awe as he looked around the old building.

It had all the resources necessary to survive but it was still a shabby place.
Gun and Win had a long conversation till Win finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

" And that's how you make a plan work ", Gun said as Fourth finally showed how surprised he was with New and Gun's planning.

Fourth could have never imagined that these two infront of him could analyse every action and reaction so well.

" But won't Win feel betrayed ?", Fourth asked.

" He won't ", New said.

" How do you know ?", Fourth asked.

" Cause he already knows we planned all this", Gun said.

" When we were explaining the plan to you Win was overhearing us. He decided to go with the plan that means he agrees to it other wise he would object to it. Of course since we told him that he likes Bright he was conflicted about the truth which got the emotions across. Win is a hidden gem among us. Planning only gets you so far , execution is important too and when it comes down to it , Win performs it flawlessly ", New said as they stared at Win until a smile crept on his face.

" Ugh !", He remarked as he stopped fake sleeping and got up smiling at the compliments he was getting.

" I am never doing this again , i really hate myself right now ", Win said getting a hug from New.

" Don't hate yourself , just blame us. We made you do it after all ", New said as he calmed down Win which unconsciously made Fourth smile.

They are a family. He said in his mind as Gun joined the hug as well. Fourth stared at them with admiration till he finally broke out of it when they stopped hugging each other.

" Should we get something to eat? I'm starving ", Gun said.

The others nodded as well. The four ended up back in the same shop.

" Question , why do you guys always end up here", Fourth asked.

" It's our meet up place ", Win said cheerfully as they ordered cakes like usual.

" Ok so how are we gonna proceed ", New asked after they were almost done with the food.

" Well , coming to Pim , we will discuss that later , right now we will deal with your guy and my guy ", Gun said.

" That just sounded threatening , what the hell are you two planning ?", Win asked.

" To be honest , i rather just kill him but torture is the best revenge in my opinion", Gun claimed licking his fingers to finish the last bit of the chocolate.

" So what are we gonna do ?", New asked interested in how this was turning around.

" Emotional torment ", Gun said slowly which made a smile on New's face. Win shivered as he took another bite of his cake and Fourth just listened blankly.

" So the plan ?", Fourth asked.

" You aren't involved in this one , we have something different for you to do", New said.

" That is ?", Fourth asked.

" You need to pull two all nighters and faint ", New said with a straight face.

" What makes you think he can do that ?", Win asked concerned.

" He is on sleeping pills ", Gun said with the most calm tone.

" You really know me up and down , it's kind of cool and creepy at the same time ", Fourth said while munching on his donut.

" We'll take that as a compliment , so can you ? We need to stage an act and build upon it. Take that as the first step", Gun said.

" Got it ", Fourth said still chewing.

" What about you ? What are you gonna do ?", Win asked Gun.
Gun looked at Win with the most innocent face before saying ,

" I'll drown him in the world of regret , guilt and betrayal."

Each word was spit with pure hatred.
He really hasn't gotten over the beating. Win thought as he gulped at Gun's innocent face but deadly words.

Revenge isn't the answer it's the question the answer is ....

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