8. You guys seem fun

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" Explain me again , how is this a good thing that Tay is basically flooding your chats with death threats ", Win asked as he saw both his friends giggling while telling him the conversation they had with Tay the other night.

" Oh come on , you know why ", New said lightly hitting Win on his shoulder.

" I do but I really wish I didn't ", Win said as he sipped his coffee.

" Oh right we can start your phase two now. Tay is gonna be busy so it would be easy getting you through with Bright", Gun said.

" And what exactly do you plan to do?", Win asked.

Gun and New looked at each other before throwing a packet with a bottle in it. The bottle had some kind of liquid in it.

" Ok seriously what is this ?", Win asked scared to even touch it.

" Chill out we stole it from the orphanage sick bay. It's a drug which will make him needy and well, unaware of his surroundings, then he does what every spoiled brat does , cheat ", New said showing a smile when he said the word cheat.

" But you have to pay the girl who'll sleep with him ", Gun said.

" That's not the problem ", Win said as he took the liquid.

He couldn't keep up with being Bright's bf anymore because he realised that Bright had again started to give hints for wanting to sleep with him. Gun and New were super happy cause it was rare for Win to agree this quickly. Usually he would give a long lecture to how twisted the two were and eventually they would have to twist his mind and keep their point before he agreed.

The trio entered the school normally when Tay grabbed New. Gun hid behind Win this time.

" I am not bothering your friend I need to talk to you ", Tay said gently as he looked at New with pleading eyes.

" I'll see you guys later ", New said as he went with Tay.

" How is luck always on your side ", Win silently said making Gun laugh.

Win was especially surprised as throughout their way to the school , Gun and New had discussed what New would say when Tay approaches him while Win reminded them that there is a good possibility that it wouldn't even happen.

" But how were you so sure that he would come?", Win asked.

" Because he loves New. He wants this to last which means he needs to keep a stable communication with New. If he hides this from New and the video gets leaked , the New he knows would be broken. He can't let that happen , he wants to get through all their difficulties together so there was no way he wouldn't discuss this with New", Gun explained.

" How did you make these guys fall in love , I really don't get it ", Win remarked.

" Love is beyond arrogance. If it gets attached to someone a person can change drastically till they are sure that even their mate loves them completely. It's the saying right , the heart wants what it wants ", Gun said and started walking to class.

Win stood still in shock for some time. There weren't many moments when Gun praised something like love.

" Why are you standing here ?", Bright asked as he noticed Win standing and staring at nothing.

Win snaps out of it and looks at Bright who lightly laughs at his lover's confused face.

" Don't just get lost in your world in the middle of the corridor , but when you are with me get lost as much as you want ", Bright said as he ruffled Win's hair and put his arm on the others shoulder while walking him to class.

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