9. Our fourth guy

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" Why the fuck do you wanna be with these fucked up people ? I thought you were normal ", Win exclaimed when he saw Fourth join the meeting.

" You are the most normal in this school , believe me ", Fourth said making the duo giggle.

" So you slept with her ?", New asked coming to the point.

" Yeah and that's why I am engaged right now. That damn bitch said something to Gemini. I wasn't dating him then but I knew he had a crush on me so i thought sleeping with her would make him leave me but the opposite happened", Fourth said frustrated while remembering how Pim ruined his life.

" Then why are you here, we literally are finding out her killer", Win said.

" I am here to help out , I can get info on Pim but in exchange you need to break my engagement and set me free",  Fourth said.

" Sounds like a deal ", Gun said and New nodded while Win just got more depressed about having a new member aboard.

" Well for starters can you tell me anything strange you remember of when you slept with Pim. We need to confirm something", Gun asked.

" Confirm what ?", Fourth asked.

" If you are handy we will tell you otherwise you can drop dead from the same rooftop. No one would care", New said.
Fourth gulped before speaking up,

" Well let's see , it started with her talking to me about homework followed by other small talks. Then she suddenly asked me about Gemini. I tried avoiding the topic but she constantly brought it up. Then she asked if I needed help to get away from it.
I asked her how and she asked me to sleep with her. I was confused but she talked me into it. But after I did it she demanded I do it again which I refused. She said if i don't then she won't help me , I didn't want to do it again so I said I don't care. She talked to Gemini after that and now we are engaged. She said she could still fix it if I do what she says so i ended up doing it with her again. She died before fixing anything so now I am here."

New and Gun shared glances and smiles.

Here they go again. Win mentally thought before speaking ,

" So what's the output ?"

" The heart probably means those she slept with more than once", New said and Gun smiled at the thought of how nasty of a mind Pim had.

" Why am I stuck in this ? Why have we got another one stuck in this ?", Win whined as he looked at Fourth being amused by Gun and New's intelligence.

" You should start becoming friends with our fourth guy , after all he is gonna get you out of dating Bright ", Gun said and Win's eyes lit up.

" Really how ?", Fourth asked with glee. He thought that the masterminds Gun and New would treat him like a beginner but he was already getting tasks.

" Just follow whatever we say ", Gun said.

" So you really think that getting him involved is good as far as I remember this crazy duo didn't like more than one company", Win said concerned for what Gun and New were gonna make Fourth do.

" You are right , this duo doesn't need more than one company he has actually been a part of our plan for a while now. Him wanting to join us is like the cherry on top", New said and laughed.

" You mean , you were gonna drag Fourth into this from the beginning ", Win asked confused.

" It's not that we were targeting him only. But getting him is like our plan is as good as done.
Tomorrow Fourth and Gemini are gonna have a party which would officially announce their engagement. You will go there with Bright and New will go with Tay. You are finally gonna get rid of Bright after we mix what I gave you in his drink. The arrangements are all made. After that we can deal with how to break Gemini and Fourth's engagement", Gun said.

Win didn't like this one bit but he was willing to keep his opinion to himself for the sake of ending his relationship.
Win looked at New and Gun and he felt something strange. There was some kind of uncertainty around them and he just couldn't grasp why it was like that.

" What's wrong ?", Win asked sharply. New and Gun looked at each other and then at the ground before New spoke up,

" Let's just say , there is a chance this might not work. Though it would 99% but there is a chance it might not."

" And why is that ? ", Win asked softly cause he knew that New and Gun don't usually make half assed plans which have a chance to be ruined.
Gun walked a bit close to Win before saying ,
" Because you seem to like him a bit too."

Win paused for a moment as Gun's words echoed in his mind. For him , every serious word from Gun and New was like a rule. Win started tearing up as he hugged Gun for comfort.

" Why are you crying ?", Gun asked patting his friend.

" I don't wanna , I don't wanna like him ! Why am I liking him am I going crazy ", Win said in panic.

" Crazy in love ", New joked and Gun hit him in the stomach with his elbow. New held onto his stomach and then looked at his poor friend crying his heart out.

" It's alright Win, it happens. So right now we need you to decide , do you want to date Bright or not. You only have till tomorrow, organise your thoughts and tell us ", New said trying to calm Win down as well.

" Speaking honestly we don't want you to date that guy either but it's up to you", Gun said.

It was getting late now , so Win left the orphanage and went back home.

" That was a hard move to make ", New said as he finally caught his breath after lying to his bff.

" We have no choice , we need real emotions to come out of him tomorrow. Unless he thinks he really likes Bright the real expressions of being betrayed won't be there. That Bright is gonna lose all his brightness when our friend shows him his place", Gun said with a smile as the duo high fived.

" Hey do you find something odd about that Fourth kid? ", Gun asked.

" Obviously , he has enough mind to measure how much everyone studied and how they could score on the test. Not to mention he would have to know their stress level and chances of making silly mistakes. Taking all that into consideration he needs to give his paper such that it exactly fits fourth place. All that brain but he couldn't figure out how to get out of his engagement", New said.

" Exactly , so I'll just take it as he has other motives , or maybe he is one of us ", Gun said with a creepy smile.

He didn't like it when other people tried to play mastermind games in front of him as if he had no idea what they were up too.
Gun knew for a fact that Fourth indeed wanted the engagement to break but there is something more to it that Fourth seeks.

" Let's sleep now , I am tired of thinking ", New said as he switched off the lights and the two slept peacefully.

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