11. Humanity ?

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This is bad. My head is splitting. Fourth thought as he walked through the corridor.
He felt like he could faint any minute.

" Fourth !", Gemini called out. Fourth took a deep breath before turning around with a smile.

" All good ?", Gemini asked and Fourth nodded a yes which caused another layer of pain. Before Gemini could walk Fourth held his arm.

" What happened ?", Gemini asked sweetly.

" I need to ask you something ", Fourth said in a desperate tone.

" What ?", Gemini asked as it seemed really urgent.

" What did you and Pim talk about before we got engaged ? ", Fourth asked and Gemini's eyes turned dark as he harshly pulled his hand from Fourth.

" Why do you want to know that ?", Gemini asked pissed off.

" I said I really need to know !", Fourth yelled gaining everyone's attention.

Gemini was shocked by Fourth's sudden outburst.

" Why are you yelling ?", Gemini asked, concerned.

" I..I ..", before he could finish his sentence, Fourth fainted. Gemini held onto him as others rushed to help as well.

" He is super good at this ", Gun said as the trio watched the scene from afar.

" He actually fainted what's there to be good at it for ", Win exclaimed.

" But his scream and way of talking was perfectly executed. He could pass as an actor ", New complimented.

You guys aren't any less of actors . Win thought and looked at Fourth being picked up and raced to the hospital.

" His works done you are next ", New said and looked at Gun making Gun smirk.

" I know ", Gun said as he left the scene.

" I don't like it when he works alone ", Win said.

" Why , i think it's pretty cool ", New said heading back to class.

Throughout the class Gun kept taking glances at Off. This was starting to irritate Off but he kept silent and tried concentrating.
The moment the bell rang and everyone wished the teacher Off was gonna approach Gun to question him but Gun was already going out the door.
Off followed behind , eventually reaching the rooftop.

" Are you following me ?", Gun asked as Off walked through the door.

Off was at the frame of the door while Gun was standing at the edge of the rooftop.

" I don't like the way you are standing", Off said.

" That's funny , I thought after everything you would be the happiest seeing me at the edge of this school", Gun said as he took a mini step towards the edge making Off panic a bit.

" What are you doing are you crazy ?", Off screamed.

" I am sorry , for the trouble i caused. I decided to live my life quietly out of sight please can you let me go for the last time", Gun asked with pleading eyes.

" Don't talk rubbish , I just wanted to know why you were staring at me in the class", Off said changing the topic.

" I was thinking about what you said when I first tried to jump out of a window. I was confused why you said all that , why would you care and if it wasn't care then what did you gain out of it ?", Gun said while keeping his head down.

" Gun , is something wrong ?", Off asked , with a soft tone.

" Everything is alright thank you for asking ", Gun said with a smile which gave discomfort to Off. The smile seemed fake and forced.
Gun walked away from the edge and towards Off.

" You are so lucky , you have everything ", Gun said in a whisper enough for Off to hear as he left the place.
A tear dropped from Off's eyes. He wiped it off immediately but he couldn't help but be reminded by someone cause of Gun.
Throught the day Off was stuck on the talk that he had with Gun. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that Gun wasn't in class. He looked around hoping he was sitting somewhere else but the kid was nowhere.

Where are you shorty? Off thought as he kept looking at the door. As the last teacher left the class , Gun entered calming Off down. Gun walked towards Off but then walked past him. Off was confused cause he thought Gun was gonna talk to him but Gun went straight to Win.
He whispered something in Win's ear and Win sighed.

" How much ?", Win asked reaching for his wallet.  Gun was thinking of an amount when a card came in between them.

" You can use this ", Off offered.

Both the boys looked at Off confused.

" Do you need it or not ?", Off said nervous about the sudden silence.

" I'm good ", Gun said in a stutter as he raced out.

Win called out to him asking him to take the money from him but Gun just ran away.

" Sorry i think he is a bit scared of you", Win remarked as he picks his bag and leaves as well.

Off keeps his card back and internally sighs. He didn't get it , why was he even giving the money in the first place. It's not like he wants to help that kid or maybe he was just too pitiful to leave alone but deep down Off knew it was none of those assumptions.

" Off had a friend that got depressed and went on the wrong path. Off bullied him badly after that and he jumped off a building", New said as it was time that Gun explains his plan.

" The kid was poor like us and lost his parents as well, not to mention his little sister got taken away as a prostitute. Unable to get money he stole something from Off that's when it all started. The kid felt he wasn't able to save his sister and he fell in pieces when he got to know that she was dead. After the death of his friend Off gets to know about this all and that marks his most traumatic incident", Gun says further.

" What does that have to do with your plan ?", Win asked.

" We are trying to recreate that situation but this time Off has to live through it while knowing everything", Gun said with a smile.

" Gun ! That's horrible. I know that Off has been the worst till now but playing around with his trauma , isn't it going too far ! ", Win complained.

" That's us Win , besides till this ends , it will be like we didn't even take part in this. We are victims too ", New said with a fake innocent face.

" I really don't get it ", Win said frustrated.

" Get what ?", New asked.

" Why do you do this? ", Win asked.

" What do you mean why? ", New questioned.

" It's just fun ", Gun said with a smile as the duo started laughing but Win remained silent.

" What's with the stare ? ", New asked.

" Just what did you guys go through that made you like this ? I know it happened during the summer i went for camp. Just what happened that you lost every single piece of your humanity ", Win asked with concern.

" Humanity ? That summer ripped it out of us from the roots ", New said in the most threatening tone.

Gun lightly hits New's shoulder which makes New snap out of the scary talk.

" Sorry , we just enjoy this stuff. We won't put you in a difficult position ", Gun said.

" Don't sweat it. Even I overreacted. I can't exactly put this all on you guys when even I helped out willingly and I will, going forth. What happened to you was horrible , Off needs to pay for it ", Win said with a bit unassurity in his last line which made the other two laugh.

" It's better if you stay the normal one only , you and revenge don't sit well together ", Gun said and they all laughed.

Good is born , Evil is made

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