3. He is good at pretending

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"I really don't wanna be here ", Win said for the 1000th time as he sat down with Gun and New to open up the suicide case of Pim.

" Well you have no choice , we are helping you out here as well you know so just listen up.
Pim died on the 4th of July 2023. She had jumped off the rooftop during the third period and was discovered by the security guard when he heard the sound of someone falling. She was known to be dating Off and there was a rumour going around which said that Off was abusing her. But this only became popular after she died", New said to give in an intro.

Gun and New look at each other before staring the reveal. Gun throws Pim's diary in front of Win which he hesitantly picks.

" This is her diary. I got a hold of it when I went to Dew's house.
If you see the initial dates it's mostly about how much she loves Off and her family or some small fights she had here and there. Nothing too interesting. The part where this situation really starts in her diary entry is on the 3rd of June. About a month before the incident. Off broke up with her. Can you guess why ?", Gun asked building suspense.

" Why ?", Win questioned though he knew getting deeper into this just calls for trouble.

" Home girl cheated and rich brat found out but girl didn't want to leave all the fame she got from Off so she had exactly one month to tell everyone or Off would reveal it and she would be made an even bigger fool", New said.

" So Pim was the bad one ", Win commented and New nodded a yes.

" Anyway the trouble starts there, even the guy she slept with started to blackmail her to expose the video of them doing it. I am assuming that guy still has the video, I am telling you in advance cause you are gonna help us get the video", Gun said.

" How am I supposed to do that ?", Win asked in a panic.

" Cause the guy she slept with is Bright", New said and Win was reminded about when New told him that Bright liked him.

" So what ? Am I supposed to date him ?", Win asked with sass.

" Exactly ", Gun says and Win gets up in denial.

" Even I have to date Tay for this plan to work , you aren't alone ", New said calmly.

" How are you guys so ok with this ? ", Win exclaimed.

" We are slaves of curiosity , but masters of planning ", Gun said with pride in his eyes.

" Anyway , Pim had some relation with Tay as well. It must be a really big secret that she didn't even mention it clearly in her diary. But if you read forward Tay was also blackmailing her with something but that's not the biggest twist to come ", New said.

" Then what is it ?", Win asked taking back his seat and totally into the story.

"According to what she wrote she didn't really seem to have a plan to die. She wasn't depressed to the point that she would kill herself. But then again the last page of the note book is missing. So either something happened which she tore off or ..", Gun looked at New to continue.

" Or what ?", Win asked hoping it's not what he is thinking.

" Or she was murdered ", New said and Win held onto his heart.

Every single time something mysterious came into the hands of the two sitting in front of him things got ugly but this was on the next level. He clearly remembered the time as kids when they went to a park where they always found this woman who was kind to the kids. She dressed up in the most comfy outfits ever, which motivated the kids to dress up in more appropriate ways. Gun and New found it odd how a woman who was in her prime years that could be in a club twerking and sleeping around was doing this. They dived deeper in it only to find out that she was actually a prostitute. It was horrible when it was revealed.

" I am not doing it !", Win said with a stern mind.

" Then we will tell Bright that you like him. You said it yourself that he can do anything since he is richer ", New threatened.

" Hey ! You can't ! Ugh , you literally want me to date him to get out of dating him ", Win complained.

" One month , you just need to date him for one month after that it will all be over ", Gun assured Win.

Win fell back on the chair and covered his face with his palms thinking about everything. He knew he was safe till he was following what the guys told him but this never led to good things.

" Fine ", Win said after contemplating making the boys smile.


" I am sorry I didn't know ", Gun said as a few tears rolled down Dew's eyes.

Right now Gun and Dew were sitting at the rooftop having lunch while Dew told him about how his sister jumped of the rooftop. Gun suggested the rooftop for lunch cause he wanted to check what kind of reaction Dew gave to coming here but from Dew's response Gun was taking that he wasn't the one to kill or harm Pim in any way.

" He is good at pretending ", Win commented as he and New took a sneak at Dew and Gun sitting together.
As the two walked forth they were stopped by Tay.

New immediately looked down and tried to hide himself behind Win.

He should just join an acting agency by now. Win thought as he watched his friend pretend to be someone he absolutely isn't.

" New , come with me ", Tay said sternly while glaring at Win a bit. New just nodded a yes so Tay walked away.

" This is going smoother than I assumed it would ", New silently whispered in Win's ear before walking to where Tay was going.

Win just nodded his head in dissaproval but he knew he didn't need to be concerned for his friends. The targets were the pitiful ones.

Tay took New to a secluded place where he suddenly pulls him close and bangs him to the wall.

" I am possessive, so everything you do is calling for a punishment ", he said with a glare.

New gulped before tears came to his eyes which made Tay back up a bit.

" I am sorry , I didn't mean to do anything wrong. I'll take care of it from now on. Please forgive me ", New begged. Tay held New's face in his palm as he said softly,

" You want me to forgive you ? Then date me ."

New's eyes widened at the statement.

" I am not asking you to say yes right now. How about this , tell me on Friday , I'll take you on a date after that ", Tay said as he hurriedly exited the place.
As Tay left , New scoffed to himself.


" Hey I think we should move a step higher", Gun suggested after hearing New's progress.

" Yeah I don't like the sound of that ", New said.

" You will , don't worry ", Gun confirmed to him as they both went away to class.

Everything gets revealed eventually

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