1. Interesting

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" Hello everyone , my name is Attaphan Phunsawat , you can call me Gun", the little kid said nervously. The whole class was silent for a minute staring at the child furiously before they laughed out loud at his nervous face.

" Are you gonna cry ?", One of them commented. The guy had his feet on the table and was confident in openly mocking Gun.

I don't need to watch out for him. He is all bark and no bite. Gun thought to himself. The teacher just asked Gun to take his seat but before he could sit the seat was thrown to the other side of the room, near the trashcan.

" Sit there ", the guy who he was supposed to sit with said.

He is trouble. Gun could tell in one look that he shouldn't mess with the guy in front of him.

" You can sit with me ", a guy in the other corner raises his hand.

He walks up to where the rude boy threw Gun's chair, picks it up and places it next to him.

" Thank you ", Gun replied while stuttering.

" No biggie , I am class president , Metawin Opas - iamkajorn , Win for everyone though", he said with a smile.

Gun took a seat beside Win and the teacher started to begin the class.
While writing down the things on the board , Win passed a note to Gun.

You are always full of surprises, I didn't expect this at all.
Gun smirks to himself and writes back.
There is one more surprise , go check the class next door once the teacher leaves.
Win looked at the note confused but he knew that Gun always says things for a reason.

Once the class is over the students stand up to wish on Win's command. The second the teacher leaves everyone starts getting out of the class for break. Win rushes to the next class and almost crashes into another person.

" So you are the surprise ", Win says as the guy in front of him gives a menacing smile.

" Of course ", he replies.

" You know him ?", Another guy walks up.

Both the kids go quiet.

" Is it a problem being nice to others ? Unlike you Bright I am nice to everyone ", Win says to save himself.

" I hope you have a nice school life , tell me if you need anything ", Win says and goes back.

" Thitipoom Techaapaikhun , right ?", Bright asked the boy in front.

" Just New works ", He replied.

" How do you know Win ?", Bright asked.

" Who's that ?", New asked with the most confused expression.

" The guy you were talking to", Bright exclaimed.

"Class rep , i don't know him. He just talked to me. Now please excuse me ", New said politely as he went to the class next door.

Gun lifted his eyebrow with a smirk as he saw New walk in.

" What's up ", New asked.

Gun just pointed at his books.
New took a seat beside him and ate his lunch while Gun studied.

Gun , New and Win were best friends from before they could recall. The three met in the most unflattering way , when they collectively got kidnapped as kids. It was an extremely traumatizing experience for the three but that day they wouldn't have been able to escape if even one of them wasn't there.
They always stuck by each other after that. Gun and New were orphans from the same orphanage while Win was the son of the CEO of Gars International, an automobile industry.

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