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"You've finally come home. I've had updates from everyone except you," Alpha Kerkkrai said to Arthit and his son.

"You're not supposed to spy on me. It's not nice," Kongpob said completely dispelling any doubt about his feelings by giving his father a big hug.

"Right...because you are so ready with information," his father said ruffling his hair.

Arthit watched as his mate stepped away from his father and went to greet his mother.

"What information?" Arthit asked when nobody offered up the clarification.

"That you are marked and mated," Kongpob's mother said coming to hug Arthit, then moving to stand by her husband.

"It's more than that," Kongpob explained and Arthit was about to pull him back but his mate continued undeterred. "The books...they don't explain what happens very well. Scratch that...it's a complete mess."

"The books...what books?" Arthit asked looking from father to son.

They hadn't spoken about telling anyone else about it. Kongpob had definitely not mentioned it was expected of him. But that might have been another oversight. Another piece of information everyone understood so implicitly, that they hadn't bothered to write it down.

"References we have to update because we had no idea what our ancestors were talking about—until now." Alpha Kerkkrai explained.

Like the one that told us more about being mates. And...thepack lore books. Kongpob clarified for Arthit.

Oh...the two volumes?

Three volumes.

Arthit'seyes went wide because he couldn't speak. Kongpob had found the third volume.It explained how he knew so much more than he'd let on. How long had he carriedthat knowledge alone—and the fear.

"We know more now, at least the parts we've experienced," Kongpob said looking at Arthit. You can show him whenever you're ready.

Won't it be a problem? He's the alpha.

That's the idea. He needs to see in order to understand.

Arthit looked at his in-laws, then his mate and knew what was required of him. He called on his Wolf the way he'd heard Kongpob do. In thoughts he'd never known existed before they tied. The shift started slowly. Much slower than Kongpob but just as graceful.

It couldn't have taken more than a minute but it felt like an eternity what with everyone watching him intently. His mate's running commentary kept him focused on the process rather than the open-mouthed, wide-eyed looks he was getting from Kongpob's parents.

In his wolf form at last, he shook out his fur and walked over to Alpha Kerkkrai, He waited a few feet away until Kongpob's father beckoned him forward and laid a hand on his head.

"This is..." he murmured.

"More than we thought. Yet...everything we expected." Kongpob confirmed.

Let's go.


"What happens now?" Kongpob's mother asked.

"We run," Kongpob said.

He shifted and before his father could tell him to be careful, he was pushing Arthit out the door with his muzzle. Arthit followed without question. The trail into the pack lands offered cover from the more densely populated areas that bordered the Suthiluck home but Arthit was already familiar with it. He followed Kongpob until they were in a wide-open field.

They run together. They played at hunting any small critters that crossed their path for a while. The urge to scream was easily met with a howl that shook the air and cut away bounds that held his body in check. Running with the wind in his fur freed him in ways he didn't know he'd been imprisoned.

I was right to be jealous of the freedom you have in this form.

Never. You were right to trust me—and now you have it too.

They made their way back after the moon had risen and bathed the landscape in silver light and dark shadow. Their reception when they returned was more festive than either of them had prepared for. Back in their human forms, they went with the flow. They had more than enough reasons to celebrate.

We should have had the wedding. It would have satisfied their curiosity all at once. Arthit offered.

"We still can if you want. I wouldn't mind having our union blessed and acknowledged before everyone we love, a few state officials and God."

"Are you being sarcastic or sincere?"

Can't you tell? My love.

Arthit turned his attention back to the impromptu party and listened as the pack members wished them well.

"So, where will we live when we get married."

This is your home now.

No, Kongpob. You are my home.


They moved in together as soon as Kongpob graduated. Papa Kerkkrai, as Kongpob's father had insisted he call him, had built them a house on the pack lands. Far enough from the main crush, they had both privacy and easy access.

The wedding planner had everything organized for a simple, yet elegant ceremony. The guest list was far longer than either of them was comfortable with but they understood the reasons for it. Kongpob could not escape his duty and Arthit had agreed to share it. This wasn't the hardest test of their commitment.

His mate dragged Arthit to collect his stuff from the dorm room but he didn't tell him he wanted to take one last tour of the university. Kongpob took him around to all the spots that held significance for them. They reminisced and took photographs of every one of them. Only instead of standing across each other, they stood side by side in every shot.

He used every excuse he could think of to make out with Arthit which he found interesting because no one was around when he did. Not when he kissed the ice-cream off the side of his mouth. Not when he hugged him on the basketball court or pulled him under the bleachers and practically mauled him until he was begging for more instead of fighting him for fear of getting caught.

"Did you always know?" Arthit asked breathless from Kongpob's assault. Is that why nobody ever caught us making out?

"No. Sometimes you overrun my senses so I can't see anything or anyone else."

"And you want a reminder of all this?" 

Arthit asked looking around. He couldn't understand the appeal of the place. All his memories were tied to the man. Perhaps because his feelings for him overshadowed whatever stimuli the environment could provide. Kongpob had different concerns—probably because he'd spent so much of that time taking care of Arthit.

"I want a reminder of everything about you. This...and every other moment we will share for the rest of our lives."

That had been the plan from the moment Kongpob set his sights on Arthit.
He had to admit his mate had some good ideas.

They had made it past the secrets. Found a way to support each other and share the responsibilities they had to face on their own and together. Fate might have decided who they would be with but it was their love and commitment that made them soulmates.


[Author's note: That's it. If this hadn't been strictly canon, I might have added more but alas, all things must come to an end. 

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