Chapter 7: Overlapping Frequencies

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"I wanted to smack the smile off his face," the confession still held some of the heightened emotion Arthit had felt when he first met Todd but Kongpob wasn't taking him seriously. "Are you laughing at me?"

"No." Holy crap.


"I'm sorry." My heart. "It's just that...what you're describing is a rather harsh reaction to a beta wolf."

"A beta wolf...? As in a werewolf that's not an alpha? Not like you."

"Or my dad or apparently your boss," he said.

"What are you saying?"

"You can scent..." he stopped and looked confused for a moment before he amended, "...sense a Wolf. It's likely you didn't notice because alphas don' your radar. A beta would seem less powerful. In your case, it probably feels like he's truly beneath you."

"Oh god, that's terrible."

Kongpob was still laughing but he pulled Arthit into his arms and hugged him. "It really isn't. You can tell who is a Wolf and who isn't on some level. That is a good skill to have."

"I guess."

Overwhelmed with remorse for basically acting like an asshole for no reason, Arthit was far more considerate of Todd when he saw him again. He tried to run interference but Todd was determined to do things his way. Perhaps being closely related to Alpha Piroj made him feel superior to the people at Ocean Electric.

That's how, by the end of the week, he'd managed to create enough of a mess to drive Arthit up a wall. He pissed off Khun Paga even worse than Arthit could have imagined and never apologized. He questioned two of their suppliers about their need for faxes rather than emails. He took nearly an hour of Arthit's time trying to figure out the fax machine because he wouldn't listen. He was more interested in his assertion that scanning and emailing the document was more efficient.

The most embarrassing part was his obvious interest in P'Earth. Her casual brush-off should have been sufficient but he seemed oblivious to her discomfort or anyone else.

"He's like an overgrown puppy. It seems cute until you have to clean up after him," Arthit said his voice dripping with ill-disguised disgust.

"But he has you in his corner. I'm sure you'll whip him into shape in no time at all." His mate assured him.

It was that belief in his ability that kept Arthit from throwing something at Todd's head. He finally started catching on and even with P'John's regular absences, the three of them, P'Earth, Todd and him were getting things done.

A rare slow day and Arthit was bored out of his mind. He ignored the first fluttering of his heart because it felt like indigestion. Nothing happened when he paid attention to it so he went back to the mind-numbing work of updating the procurement report and trying to balance the budget. Then he felt it again, much stronger than before.

He looked around the office to see if anyone else felt the disturbance, but they were too busy with their work. Getting up to investigate he felt the same shiver come over him.

Kongpob was close by.

No evidence existed beyond their bond and that extra sensory awareness. No tangible reason to think his mate would come anywhere near Ocean Electric after his warning not to interfere with his work. But Arthit knew it in every fibre of his being—his mate was either in the building or making his way there.


Rushing back to his desk he picked up his phone and dialled the familiar number. His greeting was soft and so was Kongpob's.

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