Chapter 8: Stuck on You

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The tickle started in the pit of his stomach. It didn't hurt and he couldn't explain it so Arthit tried to ignore it. He was better off going about his day like nothing was wrong.

Until they were called into the boardroom.

He was surprised to see P'Durian but her presence became clear when she started talking about the intern program. With the number of students vying for very limited positions, a company like Ocean Electric had a fair number of applicants and they would pick the best.

"Without further ado, I'd like to introduce our new interns," she said with flair at the end of her speech.

Arthit watched the door. The first man was unfamiliar but he looked friendly and didn't arouse any feeling in Arthit one way or another. A human. By the looks of it—easy-going. Then he felt his stomach deep before his heart started racing. Mild arousal battled with confusion. Until he noticed the second intern.


Hello love.

What the...

"If you can introduce yourselves," P'Durian instructed cutting short Arthit's thoughts before he could explode.

He tried to breathe but his entire body was fully aware of Kongpob. Aware of the way he looked, the subtle scent that clung to him that had nothing to do with soap or sweat or perfume. How had he done this? He hadn't mentioned anything. The last they'd spoken Kongpob had been interviewing at MCG and Arthit had been so envious of him, he hadn't stopped to consider that his mate—his crazy mate—would turn down such an opportunity.

Easy, baby.

Don't you dare.

"Hi my name is Kongpob Suthiluck but my friends call me Kong. I'm looking forward to working with you all."

Always charming, aren't you?

If that was the case, you wouldn't be mad at me right now. Home. Now.


"Welcome to Ocean Electric," P'Durian said to Kongpob and Nai, the other intern, before turning to the rest of those present.

"As you know they will be doing a rotation in every department so I hope you will give them your support," P'Durian said adjourning the meeting.

Arthit was torn. Everything in him demanded he talk to his mate but he didn't think he could be reasonable. Kongpob was the epitome of calm. He'd lose his temper and shout when he wasn't the one in the wrong. It might have been the cowardly way but he walked past Kongpob without acknowledging him and headed back to his office. He could seeth in private and let Kongpob explain himself when they didn't have an audience.

It took a long while but Arthit could finally concentrate on his work. The gut feeling he'd dismissed before finally eased up. He figured it was a function of distance and Kongpob was probably several floors or corridors away. Enough that Arthit didn't feel an unbearable pull to him.

"Are you okay?" P'Earth asked.

There were so many things going through Arthit's mind but the one thing he was sure of was that he wasn't okay. It wasn't just because Kongpob was there. They had spoken, multiple times over multiple days. He'd had plenty of opportunities to tell Arthit of his plans. To then find out that he'd been keeping such a huge secret was devastating.

If he could keep one, he could keep another.

Suddenly, everything P' Earth had said to him didn't seem so ridiculous.

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